A small update...
by Nick Lissner, 15:04 26/6-08 GMT +1

  It's been a busy time for me recently, but now I've finished my exams, and I'm ready to continue developing the game (though I still have quite a few plans).
  I've beek working on some various updates during the long time where you havne't heard from me.
  Currently, I have a project going with translating the front page into various languages. The purpose is to get more attention from search engines now that the site can be found through more search strings than before.
  If you are interested in helping me translating the front page into other languages, feel free to help me. I'll of course credit you on the Credits page. :-)
  Also, I've been working on the performance issue, though, there's not too much to do about it. It seems that the problem belongs to the host, which puts too many sites on the same server. Now this of course means that when that server gets overloaded, it will affect all the sites.
  The only thing I can do about that is getting another host, which would cost me more money, which at the current time is not possible for me!
  Anyways, I have so many plans for the game. One of the things I will start working on is the national teams - which I will do now (today) and continue working on the nearest future until it's done.
  Being off from school also means that I'll soon go on a vacation with my parents without internet. This means that I can not really continue the development here or keep track of the site (two weeks period). I can though work on something offline, which will be the live update. I hope to finish that during the vacation - at least for a beta or v1 release! There's a lot to do, but it's going to be a great feature. :-)
  Enough said, not enough done. I'll start working on the national teams right away! (After creating a quick limit of 22 riders per team!)
  Best regards,
  OCM Developer Nick

Posts: 5. Latest by Nick Lissner.

Motosinga - 22:27 26/6-08

  I will translate some things in
  Dutch if you want
  just let me know
  greetz Thomas

Nick Lissner - 18:18 27/6-08

  I would be very thankful if you
  would translate the front page and
  post it on the Forum. (I will of
  course credit you for the work as
  You can find the text on the Forum
  as well, in the post on the topic.
  It's on the General board.
  Thanks in advance. :)
  Best regards,
  OCM Developer Nick

Nick Lissner - 12:20 3/7-08

  Just write the Dutch text alone, I
  can almost read it, and understand
  what it says, so I'll find out
  where to put it. :)
  The problem is that the comments
  cannot be too long, so you might
  have to post two for the full
  Best regards,
  OCM Developer Nick

motosinga - 21:00 3/7-08

  i see, i didn't knew it:)
  I have send it by mail to
  grtz Thomas

Nick Lissner - 11:17 4/7-08

  I received your e-mail, and
  replied. Thanks a lot for the help
  so far. Only a tiny bit more, then
  we are done. :D
  Best regards,
  OCM Developer Nick