Never seen better!
by Nick Lissner, 23:17 24/7-09 GMT +1

  Tour de France is coming to an end now with the final stage except Paris tomorrow. As expected, the Tour puts a huge focus on cycling in general which easily shows on the activity at the site.
  Never has Cycling Simulator received that many visitors, new and old, and the community has really grown.
  This of course motivates me a lot, and I'm already working on new features. One of them being the long wanted Live Update feature. And well... I still have a lot left to do, but I'm getting there. It will deffinetely be a feature which will spice up the game more. I hope it's worth the effort. :o)
  It's been a while since I've posted anything here, really. It doesn't mean that I haven't been adding new features. The quick scout is back, you have the economic page with alternative income possibilities and you have tons of new races (intended for all those new teams).
  I've made a tour in the second division, and I'm really looking forward to the first edition of it, which I'm going to follow, just to make sure everything works out fine. After this one, I'll add plenty of others. Fear not. :o)
  I'm looking forward to the day when I can present you this Live Update feature. Keep in mind that the first release of it will be somewhat "simple" and I will improve it later on.
  Best regards,
  OCM Developer Nick

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