Launching the new design
by Nick Lissner, 7:32 15/4-09 GMT +1

  Yesterday evening, I finished the remaining small pieces of the new design, and shortly after decided to release it right away.
  I hoped to have the new design ready for the new season, and I almost succeeded being off by only 3 days. However, that is not as important as the fact that the new design is now running!
  The new design is both better looking and faster, as I've optimized all my codes from top to toe, which is why it took me this long. Basically, the whole game at a makeover! I had to re-write all the features to get them in a more proper and faster way.
  I hope you like the new design, and that we won't get so many problems with the slow loadinging (which actually worked out better meanwhile, didn't it?) in the future.
  I can now continue to work on new features for the game, which I hope you all are looking forward to. :)
  Best regards,
  OCM Developer Nick

Posts: 1. Latest by cajomati ct.

cajomati ct - 20:06 17/4-09

  I would like to thank you for this
  wonderful new design. It have more
  information. I believe that you had
  a very hard work to make a piece
  like this. Because of a site like
  this, i'm started to interesting in
  cycling, however i'm not a
  practicable individual or in group.
  I think better will be hard to
  achieve, because you improoved so
  much this site, that i can't guess
  what can be better.