Developer Blog Online
by Nick, 18:49 26/1-08 GMT +1

  For a long time, I have been working on a blog where I could inform the players of Cycling Simulator about new add-ons and features. It is now finally done, and I will do my best to keep this blog updated with the most recent news about the game.
  Sometimes I will even post help and guidance here, for those you are interested. The main goal is though to keep you all updated on the most recent updates.
  The blog does of course also bring the possiblity for you all to comment on posts if you are interested. I will probably read all your comments, so they will be seen! Feel free to post any suggestions you want or tell me what you think about new features. I need your oppinions.
  Last, I hope people will be interested in following this blog and the development of the game. :)
  Best regards,
  OCM Developer Nick

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