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10:14 GMT         Day 6 of 90, Season 70    

Erskine Toms wins in Georgia

  Early on the stage, five optimistic riders attacked on the first climbs of Myths of Kazbegi. They managed to keep a gap between them and the peloton until they reached the final climb. At the bottom of the climb, the group of favourites passed them. Rider by rider, they couldn't keep up with the tempo set by orgullo colombiano 1, who were supporting Ricardas Maciulevicius. Right behind the riders of orgullo colombiano 1 was Erskine Toms and Massimo Calderone lurking. Ricardas Maciulevicius looked strong, and seemed to have a good day, but when Massimo Calderone launched an attack, only Erskine Toms could follow. Erskine Toms made a counter-attack and was suddenly alone in the front, as Ricardas Maciulevicius caught up Massimo Calderone once again. Erskine Toms secured his victory without problems, while Ricardas Maciulevicius was faster in the sprint than Massimo Calderone.
Erskine Toms was happy for his efforts today. It was a tough day today, but with the result of it, it suddenly feels like nothing. I'm so happy I won today. I didn't expect it at all, said the pleased winner.
The stage couldn't turn out any better than this. Erskine Toms did a perfect job today, said Daniel Dias , manager of Ribeiros Bike Shop, after the race.

Myths of Kazbegi
Erskine Toms
Ricardas Maciulevicius
Massimo Calderone