Game manual, 24/07-10
Article comments, 14/06-10
Article archive, 13/06-10
Reserved signup positions for tours, 3/06-10
Hour record, 3/06-10
Improved mail reader, 16/4-10
New nation: Nigeria, 12/4-10
Forum styled (new look when posting), 8/4-10
Riders released with delay, 8/4-10
New faces: 2 Caucasian, 8/4-10
New faces: 3 African, 2 Caucasian, 5/4-10
New faces: 2 Caucasian, 3 Asian, 2/4-10
New Announcements Board, 1/4-10
New nation: Estonia, 31/3-10
Various bug fixes, 29/3-10
Small calendar update, 21/3-10
New division, 19/3-10
New faces: 2 Caucasian, 16/2-10
Time zones, 16/2-10
Staff Improvement, 3/2-10
Former Rider Rank + various updates, 2/2-10
New Break Away Engine, 14/1-10
Forum Search, 9/1-10
Forum Pages, 5/1-10
Full Result List, 1/12-09
Ranking Data added, 30/12-09
Various races and tours added, 20/12-09
Faroe Islands and Iceland added, 12/12-09
Sign-Up Restrictions (Germany Tour), 9/12-09
Promotion Bonuses, 6/12-09
New Rank Calculation, 21/11-09
Jerseys for Perm Tour added, 17/11-09
Release staff feature added, 13/11-09
Updated Swiss and Austrian name database, 13/11-09
English Board under Other Languages added, 13/11-09
Sell Equipment feature added, 13/11-09
Various minor updates and corrections, 12/11-09
World Tour Ranking, 4/11-09
New Polish name database, 3/11-09
Updated German name database, 3/11-09
World Tour Race Engine, 28/10-09
World Tour signup, 25/10-09
Clash of Nations series (World Tour Event), 21/10-09
World Tour added, 21/10-09
National team profile page, 20/10-09
Loading icon (for AJAX features), 20/10-09
New division (ranks 180-260), 15/10-09
New faces: 4 Asian, 1 Caucasian, 12/10-09
New faces: 4 Asian, 3 African, 2 Caucasian, 10/10-09
Development Updates overview, 10/10-09
Rider table at race profiles, 8/10-09
Improved Tactical System (processing)
Rider Satisfaction (processing)
Extended Manual (processing)
New Tactical System (processing)
Live Updates (processing)
Sponsor (planned)
Wages (planning)
National Teams (nearing completion)