Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it - V
No awards, the overlords declare! Tat I say, in the face of oppression.
I give you "The Salon des Refusés" - exhibition of rejects.
Season 66 awards:
Best Climber
1: Alexander Tenander (drake racing) 1210pts
2: Kerry Donovan (Snooman) 1120pts
3: Sjoerd Van Der Heijden (Team Chili) 960pts
. | | Best Time Trialer
1: Jens Maeland (Andeby) 980pts
2: Daniel Van De Wijngaert (Andeby) 950pts
3: Stanislav Sharov (cycling team fps) 780pts
Best Cobbler
1: Benjamim Fontes (cokol breakaway team) 1130pts
2: Txebe Madu (the ullrichs) 956pts
3: Jay Barlow (sigue sigue sputnik) 878pts
No Place
The team with the most 10th places. No money and no rewards.
1: drake racing x8
2: (4way tie) x7