Online: 25
07:33 GMT         Day 41 of 90, Season 69    


All Results

Hoffelt ITT

Rider, Team
  Netherlands Gillis Doderwinkel, Atlantic Pro Cycling
  2. England Ely Morr, Dog1
  3. Colombia Mancho Pimental, LevanteUD
  4. Belgium Arnout Lenoir, LevanteUD
  5. Netherlands Karsten de Maerschalk, Team Kazakh
  6. Kazakhstan Nikolay Lyubov, Team Kazakh
  7. Belgium Karl Vloebergh, Dog1
  8. Kazakhstan Garry Khalturin, Team Kazakh
  9. South Africa Loyisa Malunga, Dog1

ITT Ruukki

Rider, Team
  Netherlands Demy van Dop, fly1972
  2. Portugal Domingos Rua, Flopriders
  3. Netherlands Noah Vinken, Flopriders
  4. Colombia Mancho Pimental, LevanteUD
  5. Luxembourg Dimitri Zimmer, fly1972
  6. Germany Sascha Back, fly1972
  7. Morocco Bilel Ait El Attar, fly1972
  8. Belgium Arnout Lenoir, LevanteUD
  9. Portugal Hugo Lousada, Flopriders

Gravatá ITT

Rider, Team
  Brazil Ângelo Corgosinho, Albiceleste
  2. England Pierce Oats, Noahstdfteam
  3. England Esmond Shew, Noahstdfteam
  4. Poland Mariusz Drozdowski, kaca team
  5. Poland Izydor Witkowski, kaca team
  6. Poland Tomisław Tomczyk, kaca team
  7. Poland Erwin Marciniak, kaca team
  8. England Fenton Zuehlke, Noahstdfteam
  9. São Tomé and Príncipe Arlindo Jil, Nikoline