Online: 33
21:51 GMT         Day 26 of 90, Season 69    


All Results

Shisr CB

Rider, Team
  France Matthys Juhel, sky is the limit 1
  2. Malaysia Rasiah Chan, Protophone
  3. Switzerland Amadeus Fink, BlackRose
  4. Canada Ambrose Radcliff, Uber
  5. Belgium Benjamin Scheepstra, gama pro team
  6. England Udolf Eudy, Protophone
  7. Belgium Christopher Van Meenen, gama pro team
  8. Belgium Benoit Vercouteren, gama pro team
  9. Slovakia Vladimír Klement, SLOVNAFT

Al Rumman Hills GP

Rider, Team
  Poland Tadeusz Umiński, Firefly2k
  2. France Matthys Juhel, sky is the limit 1
  3. Slovakia Mark Skladaný, SLOVNAFT
  4. Spain Sabino Sala, Meo Racing Team
  5. Belgium Kasper Paaps, habibis
  6. Belgium Bert Stuycken, Team Genesis
  7. Norway Aksel Odden, Klatrehjortene
  8. Belgium Harold Swinnen, sky is the limit 1
  9. Norway Arnold Gundersen, Klatrehjortene

Ain Baal ITT

Rider, Team
  Norway Arnold Gundersen, Klatrehjortene
  2. England Udolf Eudy, Protophone
  3. Denmark Max Smedegaard, Team Vedbækskole
  4. Malaysia Mohamad Yusof Safri Bakar, Protophone
  5. Portugal Barnabé Raminhos, Onda Boavista
  6. Slovakia Frederik Barcík, SLOVNAFT
  7. Norway Herman Hetland, Klatrehjortene
  8. Belgium Charly Roose, Arvoc
  9. Slovakia Lukáš Nový, SLOVNAFT