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16:34 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


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Time for change

  So another season where I am stuck for results - a third of the way through and my team is rudderless. I will be placing quite a few riders on the transfer mark...


2 wins in 2 days!

  Brilliant weekend - after a very quiet first third of a season with no results to report, then 2 in a weekend. Projo Murgaidi took another victory for us - he h...


Theobold Rippel - Christmas transfer

  A very big rider has joined llama - Theobold Rippel who is an Irish rider with a very good tt stat! The problem is that he was best value rider available at the...


Slow start to the season

  So, the new season has seen a slow start by the team. Gong Kyong Min was sold having never really settled, and the jersey has changed to a darker version with l...


Other Team's Press Releases
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