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14:05 GMT         Day 31 of 90, Season 69    


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Points record!!!

  We have 574 points, it was a record for us. We've spent a lot of time improving our team and this season is being incredible for us. Today we can score a 3rd pl...


Back to 4th division

  We're back to 4th division. It must be good for us because we need money to improve our new talents and still back to the highest divisions...


First Race, First Win

  Incredible race for azeitonense team that win his first race on 3th division. It was an incredible day for us because it was our first race in 3th division. Now...


On top

  Today we are on the top of 4th Division. Now we spend all of the money to train Johann Van Schaik and other riders to prepare the ascention to 3rd division...


Other Team's Press Releases
 No press releases available..