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18:11 GMT         Day 41 of 90, Season 69    


Subscribers: 6

Team Shut Down

  Today we are announcing that this team is being shut down. The reason why is because Wonderful Pistachios wanted to start developing their own team and wanted m...


New Sponsor

  After switching from USA CYCL1NG to United Steroid Abusers CYCLING, which is a foundation that helps raise money and take care of people who are having a rough ...


No More All American

  Earlier this morning USA CYCL1NG manager HL had a team meeting with the riders. It was about if they wanted to move up in the ranks and to be competitive. Well ...



  Joel Magee TQ maxed at 48. The team is highly disappointed in his tranning ways. ...


Division 5!

  For the first time in team history we have made it to Division 5! The team is very pleased to be here and would like to think our fans. We know we will not last...


End of Season 22

  Well season 22 is coming to end and season 23 is rolling upon us rapidly. We finished off this season with the same amount of results as last years 10. Eli Rive...


Trying to build a Climbing Team

  In the effort of trying to make a climbing team to assist our sprinting team we found Buddy Miller. " I am very happy that USA CYCL1NG has spent the time and mo...


Joel Magee!

  USA CYCL1NG is very proud to anounce the arrival of Joel Magee a day before our talent is revealed. We have really high hopes for him. He has some pretty good p...



  While the team is having a really hard time in division 8, we are remaining hopeful that Testudo (USA CYCL1NG'S talent scouter) finds us a good talent this time...


Simon Bloom

  I tried really hard not to scout him but my brain was telling me too. We found out that Simon Bloom has 4x average in SP, FR, CB and TQ. So USA CYCL1NG hopes th...


Future of team USA CYCL1NG

   As a manager with a little bit of free time I thought about where I want USA CYCL1NG to be and what type of riders we would like to have in the next few se...


Once Again for Eli

  Today Art Chesney spoke to me about how much he really wants to try and help Eli Rivers get his first ever victory or result to repay him for all the results El...


Divison 6!

  With Art Chesney finishing in 3rd place of the Ashdod - Aseret USA CYCL1NG has reached division 6 for the first time since the team developed....


1st OCM season over/Season 22 plans

  Earlier today USA CYCL1NG finished their last race of their first season on OCM. Art Chesney pulled away with an 8th place, a pretty good way for us to end seas...


Wake up call

  Just one day after USA CYCL1NG announced they are becoming an all american team they found out how much more harder division 7 is then 8."I take full responsibi...



  Today USA CYCL1NG's manager HL has announced that they will be an all american team."The main reason why I made this choice is because of our team name and our ...



  USA CYCL1NG is proud to announce that they have taken one huge step to becoming a competitive cycling team by receiving a wildcard. "We have a great group of gu...


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