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15:23 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


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Tema capitan in history

  The moving force of LAX Anton Luša decieded, that it is time to put his legs in the corner and help the team in other ways....


Niko decieded to retire

  Niko Tavcar decieded its time to put the bike in the corner and be part of LA X team in bussines part of the team. He will be rememberd by his achivments and a ...


The well deserved retirement

  Two of our most precius and experienced team members deciedet to end their carrer. They will be rememberd! We say goodby to mr. Sever and Klan?i?....


Earned retirement

  Staš Bukovec decieded to retire after a great carrer in cycling. He will remain in our thouts in races with his experience and will continue to our outside con...


Another win for team LA X

  Another Win for team LA X was achieved by a great developing rider Anton Luša. He is becoming a great rider and a great captian with a lot of potential....


Another Win Fof LA X

  Another beautiful win for Anton Luša and Team LA X on Dusseldofr GP....


Team LA X

  The LA X team in preparing and goes threw extencive training for the new season....


Other Team's Press Releases
 No press releases available..