Written by Lindfield Locknuts at 03:10 12/2-2021
Lindfield Locknuts manager Sits was a very happy man today as the team were confirmed as the winning bidders for 25-year-old Dennis Albrecht. Sits was interviewed after the deal was signed.
"This is great news for us. We have admired Dennis's qualities as a senior team mate or backup captain, ideal for a climbing squad like ours which is still only just a year old. Our captain Hagen Hunzberger threatened he would quit if we didn't bring Dennis in. As it happens we got him for a good price and I'm looking forward to the two of them joining up.
"Thanks to Fox River for training Dennis up, and I hope he can really fulfill his potential with us."
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Hang on, did you mention the parrot? What sort? This could be a deal breaker.
Dennis is happy not to leave IoM. His sea monkeys, parrot, and Kraftwerk album collection thank you.
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