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03:15 GMT         Day 3 of 90, Season 71    

Das einzig Wahre, Germany Tour
by Yuri, at 31/8-12 - 02:58 GMT

  When the season of cycling is entering the last weeks, the highlight of multiday events is starting.
  Many have looked forward to this event but only a select few can participate, although, select is an overrated word. This year every self overrating team in Top division can join the Holy Grail of cycling.
  Is this the downfall of cycling as we know it or a start of a new beginning. Let us see what mediocure teams have signed up for this super event, that screams for a worthy winner. The successor of Grover Skinner, the star of johny2, that could not be bothered to join here to defend his title.
  Well Grover, you were not the best winner we had anyway. So if you do not want to come, we do not invite you.
  Let us focus on the riders and teams that do have the nerve to enter this cyclistic Oktoberfest, this orgasm on wheels, this year's Germany Tour.
   Hard Gaat Ie
  The first of many Dutch teams that invade Germany as revenge for long time ago. This team has Marius Lassen as their captain. A Dane with skills in climbing and sprinting. He can do everything except, choose the right team to support him in this race. A stage surprise for this rider perhaps, but no real contender for the General Classification
   WV de Dommel
  A Dutch team with a Danish captain, coincedence? This team is looking better prepared for this tour. A good climber as captain, that picked himself a super support group of riders to get him over the many climbs in the tour. They say this is a climber's tour. And this is a climber's team. Will they win it? They will do good in the mountains. Let us hope he can do it.
  They are all American boys from where dreams become reality. They arrive fully prepared for the flat stages. And with Giovanni Faulk they want to win in the flat stages and, maybe even a Sprinters Classification win. Will this sprinters sextet go for the victory and the General Classification. Because a sprinter that is good in the hills and mountains can win this race.
   Drapeau Noir
  A French team, with an English captain, searching for their biggest success in Germany. That is just so wrong. Maybe they win a surprise stage with their Dutch sprinter Timo Buchinx. And a top 9 for Adam Hyder. But the team is betting on two horses, two dark horses. And that will only pay off, if they want stagesuccess.
   Yuri Super Team
  The Portuguese outfit joins Germany with a team build around their Russian sprinter, Anton Ugolnikov. They are after the Sprinters Classification. Nothing more, nothing less. And they have the team for it. Injuries and weird results left aside, they will be in the top three.
  Connaught has entered the Germany Tour with a sprinter from Canada. Kirk Narramore is their captain and in great shape. He brings with him a team that is in full support of him and they want a great result in the flat stages. He will have to do exceptional great though, his leadout train is not the best in the field. Some top nine results perhaps are to be expected.
  The team called Onie always joins a tour. His motto is; “Because I can.” Just like this time.
  They have send a team with sprinters to Kiel to start this big event. Maybe they can score some surprising results. But this team is what you call, fill up. And that is a shame for this great tour. Maybe a top nine

spot in one of the flat stages when Jacinto Aldeia has all the luck in the world.
   Team Trilla
  From Denmark with love. A former winner has arrived in Germany. Broderick Rimmer has returned to his favourite race. No less then seventeen results in Germany Tour aswell as two nice jerseys. This is the hero for everybody in Germany and this is the rider the others should treat with respect. Respect yes. This rider is here again, thirtythree years old, and he wants to win this race again.
  A salute to a great rider and a wonderfull man. Give us another top 9 in the Generall Standings.
   Red Star
  From Norway we see a team that is also composed around a sprinter. Sprinters are the new black this year in Germany. And they have a great sprinter, former winner of the Youth and Sprinters Classification, Rytis Kondrotas has returned. A good team and a good captain. Some nice results in the stages and maybe in the Sprinters Classification. But his team lacks a little quality to go for victory.
  The Danish team with the sprinter that does not need an introduction. The Beast is in Germany. The Beast wants a jersey, and a stage win, and another stage win. And maybe another jersey.
  The Beast is hungry, and he wants more. Lean Ahnfeldt-Mollerup was lucky to get invited, but he is ready.
  Dutch based team that specialises in victories after long break aways. And this year we can expect something again. Because Ipati Bizony joined, Nagy joined and Ballestero joined. A nice team with some great potential. The question is can Noppes make them into a team and not six guys that ride to get the win for themselves. If he can, this team can do very well in the General Classification. If he can not, he will get a few victories.
   Nairoby City Cycling Club
  NCCC, for friends, is a one issue team. This team focusses solely on riders that can ride fast and straight. Against themselves, against the elements and against the clock. Two stages, the prologue and the time trial in Munich, the rest is not important. They want a win, and a big win aswell. If they can manage taht they have a successfull Germany Tour. They have only one rival.
   Matrix team
  The Rival. Yann has a one issue team. This team focusses solely on riders that can ride fast and straight. Against themselves, against the elements and against the clock. Two stages, the prologue and the time trial in Munich, the rest is not important. They want a win, and a big win aswell. If they can manage that they have a successfull Germany Tour. They have only one rival.
  This Polish team came to Germany to steal away the silverware. They do that often. This time they arrive with a team focussed around Jakob Rachlin. A Danish climber. Yes, I know. That sounds weird, but it is true. A Danish climber. He has good support with him, and if he can get enough time on the sprinters in the mountains there might be a possibility we see this rider high up in the General

  Team peddelen is entering again. And there is much at stake. Jan-Joost Dussel has been in training for this race a complete season. Will he be on the podium again this year, his third consecutive podium. And, more important, a record four times winner of the Sprinting Classification. If he does, he is surely remembered as a hero where he was born. In honour of him a race could be named. His name in gold on the thropee. A knighthood by the queen. Hero for many starting riders.
  Or complete missery, a candle that is blown out by the wind of progress. Passed by the youth that are eager to take his spot. Jan-Joost Dussel, history is to be made, but you, and only you can do it.
  Schizophrenic Portuguese team that has roots in the Netherlands, pretends to set sail, with a perfect Portuguese armada, to Kiel. But this team is made up with captains. Some teams only have leadouts or teammates. This team only has captains. We have already seen how that works out in this season's Volta ao Porto. Greenride received a silver medal for becoming best of the rest with a nice second place. Will history repeat itself? Let us hope not. A great team with one goal. Gold in Berlin.
   Team Revolutie
  A team with some great riders. Even a winner in Germany with Gregory Levis. They have a team that is aiming for stage victories. Not a team that will try to win a General Classification. But with a few time trial specialists, Levis and Norskov. And a climber in Jaudon and a sprinter like Werner Bouma, they should at least go for one stage victory. This team really needs to win something in this high profile event. Rumours are, that if this team does not win a stage in Germany, the funding will stop and it will probably dissapear from the peloton.
  OCM #1 team should be present in Germany. And they are. With a selection of fine riders that want to perform well in this tour. A great asset in the pack. But if we look closely we see that this team is not balanced well. Sprinters, climbers and time trialers and they do not fit well together. Different characters and languages. This is a team that is looking for a stage win in the time trial stages. This team will not perform well, surprise us slico. But we do not put any money on any classification for your riders.
   Gradient Levellers
  Will this year be Tim Johnson's finest. An Englishman with an English team winning the Germany Tour? That is a dream come true for him. Fully complete sprinter Oswald Hudler is the captain of this squad. And he wants a win, a General Classification win. Will he be in topform for this race? Will his team guide him well through the mountains. If everything goes according to plan, this is a rider for General and Sprinting Classification. And the happiest man on the planet? Tim Johnson of course.
  Czech based team is focussed around Lebanese champion Essam. A good climber with special talents when it comes to mountain stages. And with a veteran as Ledgerwood as his leuitenant he should ride with the best uphill. But his team is not the best. Maybe his team is one of the worst in this year's episode of the Germany Tour. Will two man be enough for this team or will this arrogant attitude of teammanager Wryen Luveau backfire and leaves him with nothing after the Tour. Only time will tell. Good luck and may God be merciful upon you.
   Written by pundit Finz from
  NightmareChaos to OCM Magazine



Greenride at 07:06 31/8-2012

NECFTW at 08:02 31/8-2012

Onie at 11:27 31/8-2012
  Good preview. And Aldeia will prove you were wrong, no luck needed.

ultrajectum at 11:34 31/8-2012
  Onie you are canon food!

peddelen at 11:49 31/8-2012
  Let's write some history!!!

Nairobi City Cycling Club at 15:57 31/8-2012
  I guess my team once again isn't worth mentioning in the preview :S

Nairobi City Cycling Club at 16:08 31/8-2012
  and Matrix is a danish team!? :S

NightmareChaos at 16:23 31/8-2012
  what it was in the preview

NECFTW at 16:44 31/8-2012
  Finz frucked up?

NightmareChaos at 16:50 31/8-2012
  no yuri did, i made it.

Matrix team at 17:06 31/8-2012
  Why do i have a Danish Flag? :(

ABK at 17:32 31/8-2012
  I guess your team and NCCC are so similar that it's easier to just make one. You got the name and NCCC the flag.

Onie at 17:45 31/8-2012
  Both TT-teams, so it's easier to make one good team.

Gradient Levellers at 18:51 31/8-2012
  Great preview.
  I tried to change Matrix's nationality, but weirdly it does say France. I blame the Beast.

ScotterPop at 19:19 31/8-2012
  HAHAHAAAAA You left off NCCC!? Wow, that's just mean.

Team Deltaforce at 19:47 31/8-2012
  You misspelled Team Tirilla, link doesn't work.
  Good preview though :)

NightmareChaos at 22:44 31/8-2012
  The missing link:
  NCCC, for friends, is a one issue team. This team focusses solely on riders that can ride fast and straight. Against themselves, against the elements and against the clock. Two stages, the prologue and the time trial in Munich, the rest is not important. They want a win, and a big win aswell. If they can manage taht they have a successfull Germany Tour. They have only one rival.

Nairobi City Cycling Club at 23:50 31/8-2012
  I'm always left out but you know what thats means.. Tingmann is gonna eat the other tt'ers alive ;)

Matrix team at 12:54 2/9-2012
  Quite weird NCCC and Matrix team has almost exactly the same text.
  but so great to see my team name in such a preview !

Yuri SuperTeam at 23:53 2/9-2012
  Ok finally I got home and corrected my mistake. Sorry for the big space before peddelen part, but this was the only way to put this ok with the flags.

peddelen at 22:22 4/9-2012
  Yuri, you still got it wrong!

Yuri SuperTeam at 15:39 5/9-2012

peddelen at 21:09 5/9-2012
  The flag before my teamname is only code.

NightmareChaos at 23:16 5/9-2012
  its a dutch flag for me

Onie at 23:26 5/9-2012
  Same for me. IE FTW ;).

Yuri SuperTeam at 17:21 6/9-2012
  pete: I use chrome and it's prefect...

Luveaucek at 05:38 7/9-2012
  Retarded tour, I'll never send climbers ever again. The climbing stages should just be removed!

Drapeau Noir at 16:48 8/9-2012
  @Wryen ROFL!!!
  I'll always send climbers from now on! A climbing team with good management can win against sprinters, it's now proven.
  You underestimated Hyder ;-)
  Drapeau Noir, always the most underestimated team...