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11:06 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Teams that scare Franz

Written by Team JAN at 12:21 5/8-2014

  Today, we have an interview with the ex-winner of the Kangaroo Tour. Franz Amelung will be answering some questions.
  Reporter: "So Franz, how do you feel about this edition of the Australian sprinting tour?"
  Amelung: "I feel great, happy to ride this tour again. However, I don't feel like a top favorite this time. Competition has become a lot stronger. Almost every team has a full lead out train, and also the captains are stronger then last year."
  Reporter: "Which teams/captains scare you the most?"
  Amelung: "Well, actually a lot of teams. I feel like the tour is up for anyone who has a good day. But to name some teams, I would say Quick Step Minded. With Bulhões in TF and such a strong LO-train, they are the team to beat I guess. They are very experienced too. Also this Spanish team, Rupon CC looks like a strong contender. Their captain, Gustavo Antón, can go up the hills with ease, and his sprinting ability looks ok. Him in TF, preceded by the full sprinting squad of Rupon CC, that will give fireworks the entire tour. The final scary team for me, is DCM. They got a first division sprinting squad in my eyes, and their WB is an ex-rider from Team JAN. So he knows our tactics..."
  Reporter: "Any other teams you see as a threat?"
  Amelung: "Pfff, let's see... First I think Conrad De Graef from Borstelharen is certainly dangerous. He doesn't have as much support as other teams, but he certainly is a strong sprinter! Same story for Godfried Terwenhout. I think that Carroll Mullan has something on the line. I think this will be one of his last tours I guess, so he will definitely enjoy the tour and try to prove himself once more. The last teams I want to mention are Kingstowm and Kalakini CC. Kalakini CC has a very strong TT, so he will probably get the best starting position (for the sprinters) after the first stage. Russel Springbok just looks like a stronger version of myself, so he surely will have a chance."
  Reporter: "Ok, thank you for your view on this edition. One last question: What is your top 3 of the GC after stage 5?"
  Amelung: "Well, I can't leave myself out of there, so I will choose myself third. First I think will be Gustavo Antón, followed by Baltasar Bulhões."
  Reporter: "Many thanks for your time!"


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Team JAN at 17:12 5/8-2014
  Who will be your captain? Or are you going for the BA? :)

rooney17 at 17:11 5/8-2014
  Good interview, good luck hope i can supprise everyone ;)

jmtoler at 14:48 5/8-2014
  Amelung is completely correct...haha

Team JAN at 14:39 5/8-2014
  I am sorry, Amelung thought he had too little support ;)

jmtoler at 14:22 5/8-2014
  Jens Haugland was snubbed...He will now have fire in his belly and super in his legs :)

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