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22:07 GMT         Day 41 of 90, Season 69    

Portugal #1 team

Written by WalrusPT at 22:56 14/4-2014

  A dream came true.
  WalrusPT is today (Day 29 - Season 28), for the very first time, number 1 team of the portuguese rank, surpassing teams such as Yuri Super Team and Greenride, well known for their very good riders and performances.
  The next great objective for the team as a whole is to figure in the best 15 teams of the world.
  We ought to keep working to be with the best, it won't be easy!
  Lucas Cardoso, PR Manager


Subscribers: 4

Best Season 28 Hiller

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Portugal #1 team

  A dream came true. WalrusPT is today (Day 29 - Season 28), for the very first time, number 1 team of the portuguese rank, surpassing teams such as Yuri Super...


Hello Top Division and Volta ao Porto

  This is already the third time WalrusPT is in Top Division. Although this time, we will try to keep in it for long. With two different teams, a climbing and a ...


Are there any snakes in Switzerland?

  There is, actually. The "Black Mamba" was born there - Vergílio Nandigna, a young guy from Cape Verde who won the Youth Classification and a stage in Monte ...


The new

  WalrusPT's riders are going to ride with a new shirt. This one is designed to scare the other riders, so team riders can do better in races. "It is scientifical...


The legend of Zelda

  Today while scounting a rider the team found this gem, with a fabulous name: Name: César Zelda Nation: Angola Age: 22 years Birthday: Day 23 Averag...


WalrusPT in Russia and USA!

  The team will perform in Russia and USA. First on Perm Tour and then on Race of the Minuteman. Huynh is going to be the captain for both tours. He will have ...


A portuguese scouting day

  Today started with Manager asddasda saying: "We need more portuguese people in the team. We are going to look in the free market for new and good prospects". ...


Close... but not enough

  Brendan Huynh's topform as been, so to speak, horrible. Maybe it was bad luck, since he has been to a witch, who told him this: "you are surronded by bad luck.....


Some lines about the team

  We're back from Perm Tour! Russia has been left with a win in the king's stage, achieved by Antão Teles - a great moment. Brendan Huynh is going to take som...


WalrusPT in Russia

  WalrusPT is going to participate in Perm Tour, a cold one in Russia. We are hoping that Antão Teles would do something in the Young Classification and/or in...


Hello Zyte Division!

  We are very happy to announce that for the first time we are in Zyte Division. It has been a goal from WalrusPT for some time now. We hope for even better thin...


"Where are you now?"

  Hello :) In this press realese we're going to talk about some of the riders that left WalrusPT and how they are doing now. Alípio Lobo: Sold to Lusitano ...


Fisrt tour - RotM!

  WalrusPT is going to enter this season's Race of the Minuteman. The team has arrived in the USA on thursday. The line-up team is: Brendan Huynh Kaseem Abdu...


Press Conference - New Investor

  Today, WalrusPT announced a new investor to the team, the omani Fakhiri Al-Valade. With him, he brings a new rule: "the team can not have riders who aren't from...


Oh, happy day!

  Today (53) is a great day, specially for Kaseem Abdul-Halim: Today he turns 30, wins a race and consequently, wears the Oman National shirt! Now, it's time f...


Interview with the manager of WalrusPT

  Hello, we are here tonight to an interview with Luís Lopes, manager asddasda from WalrusPT. Interviwer: Goodnight! Asddasda: Goodnight. First, let me say i...



WalrusPT at 13:06 16/4-2014
  Thanks guys!
  Greenride: Yeah, let's all keep doing our best to surpass each other :p

Greenride at 10:47 16/4-2014
  Great achievement, congrats! But be aware, Yuri and myself are right behind you! ;p

PEKAC B at 15:05 15/4-2014
  good job, congrats!

V02maXXers at 12:13 15/4-2014

BennysBadekar at 11:36 15/4-2014
  Good job beating the old giants

Manisaspor at 04:43 15/4-2014

Rigana at 00:46 15/4-2014

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