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08:36 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Lisandro Cresaco first; Boško Šuštar second

Written by Max at 21:22 9/4-2013

  Even though several riders tried to break away, no one managed to keep it going in Bonito. The strongest riders in the peloton stayed together in the leading group. The finishing climb became a secretion of riders, until Lisandro Cresaco (Max) and Boško Šuštar (KK Soca) were alone in the front. As it looked as they were heading for a sprint on the top, Boško Šuštar suddenly could follow Lisandro Cresaco who climbed the final kilometre alone. The audience cheered as Lisandro Cresaco crossed the line with his arms raised high. Boško Šuštar came in a little later as second. The third place were terminated by a group of 4 who sprinted a long. Aristarkh Putilov was fastest in the group, and safely took the third place.
  The climbs today were tough, but I felt good all day, said Lisandro Cresaco after winning. I loved the ending of the stage. It was when I saw the ending of the route I knew that I could win. It was perfect for me.
  The stage couldn't turn out any better than this. Lisandro Cresaco did a perfect job today, said Max Estrellado, manager of Max, after the race.


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Lisandro Cresaco first; Boško Šuštar second

  Even though several riders tried to break away, no one managed to keep it going in Bonito. The strongest riders in the peloton stayed together in the leading gr...



  Lisandro sigue creciendo!...



NightmareChaos at 01:14 10/4-2013
  well done

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