Written by Luveaucek at 08:55 7/9-2012
Nearly a week after his training injury Nikanor Somov, was diagnosed with the final stages of an extreme parainfluenza mixed with the H1N1 virus; the same strain which caused the 2009 Ukrainian flu epidemic, somehow it was dormant or he was immune.
Lyevre suspects it's the reason Nikanor didn't reach his full potential, and that it could also explain Desmond pulling out of Germany on stage two. "This virus is nasty!" Lyevre stated, "It targets 22-40 yr olds, and it really takes the wind out of them. Literally!"
Nikanor is about done with his recovery, but the staff is monitoring Desmond and Wajeeh very closely for any symptoms. "Wajeeh should be fine, I think, he hit the ground after Macklin and Alterman clipped their bars trying to avoid them."
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