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15:26 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Teodor Bagger gets Portuguese Citizenship

Written by CycleMotor at 15:30 27/9-2011

  Is Teodor Bagger Portuguese? No, at least not yet, but this could be only a few weeks away.
  We received information that Bagger already applied for citizenship, although his stay in Portugal isn’t that long his marriage to a Portuguese girl could speed things up a lot.
  Another factor that could help him get the Portuguese citizenship faster is the recent discovery that Teodor Bagger is a Portuguese descendant.
  Joaquim Bagos, Teodor Bagger’s great-grandfather, was a Portuguese farmer that immigrated to Denmark. He stayed there all his life due to the way more expensive beer compared to Portugal that made him unable to earn enough money to return home.
  After this discovery Teodor Bagger decided to follow his Portuguese heritage and changed his name to Teodoro Bagos in memory of his drunk great-grandfather.
  We’ll be watching closely this whole process to see how this turns out and maybe Teodoro Bagos will take VA’s vacant spot as the Portugal NT allrounder.


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NightmareChaos at 13:25 8/11-2011
  thats one sneaky way to get an all Portuguese team :D

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