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09:32 GMT         Day 46 of 90, Season 69    

New sponser

Written by cway at 08:00 24/10-2008

  Today a new sponser has taken over bank - rolling the team.
  C-way Hotels (owned by the current manager's uncle Charles Wayman) is going to be paying the riders wages till the end of the season.
  Although the goals are in place until the end of the season it is felt that next seasons targets will be based on races expanding around the goble but concentrating on the former countries who used to be part of the Commonwealth.
  This is because of where C-Way hotels are based. Although there are lots of C-Way hotels based in the Commonwealth there are few outside the area.
  Romours are abound tht Chris Wayman is bombarding his uncle with hotel proposals for Roubaix, Huy, Anstana and Rome so he can keep his Cobble Start Ponton.


Subscribers: 10

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Juno at 08:11 24/10-2008
  Very nice write up. See you in Aus.

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