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14:28 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Top 10

Written by Bywater CT at 11:05 11/3-2011

  Today Bywater CT reached another milestone in their history. Young Heath Deckard, a very talented rider who unfortunately could not develop to full potential, got his first chance to captain the team in absence of Zack Davie (who's still slacking off at Sicilia as a part of preparation for Germany Tour). He took great second place, leaving behind worldwide known cycling stars like Frank van Galen, Viggo Monsen or Migel Pinto. Thanks to this result and 130 points earned, the team got into top 10 of OCM Tour ranking for the first time ever, taking the place "directly" from Norwegian Team Airik, who after Andorran race lost the very same 130 points Nico Gouffroy took last season.
  Getting into top 10 of the ranking took the team 219 days since it was created, a bit less than 2,5 seasons, which team management believes is the quickest in recent times. That's definitely a good sign before Germany Tour start, where the team will look to earn its 3rd tour jersey of the season and points needed to retain Top Division status when points from racing in lower divisions outdate.
  Young Jamaican, hero of the day, was interviewed right at the finish line.
  Q: Heath, how does it feel to get a Top Division result?
  H: Great! I never expected it, for a Top Division race, there were very little teams racing today, but still there were many stars of climbing races present and having screwed up my preparations a bit (which hurt my form, it should have been better today) I expected a hard fight to finish in points.
  Q: So how did you manage to race for the win right to the finish line?
  H: I had some power today and I tried to use it as late, as possible. I hid behind Team Tirilla riders, always trying to be 4th or 5th to attack at the end, this worked. Miltos Tsoukas was out of my reach today, we talked about our training in recent days and it seems he planned his work much better, so he could beat me easily at the finish line. I think next season I'm going to prepare much more carefully and go to this race in perfect form, so that I can have a shot at improving my result.
  Q: Thanks for the interview then and I hope this race will not make you too tired in Germany.
  H: I hope so too. But Germany may be not my only race soon - I talked to Ludomir Idczak, our team's bus driver, and he says that if I decide there is a chance, he will get me in time to Mexico and back to Germany, as there is a climbing race near Mexico City four days from now, right between Germany Tour stages.
  Q: Now that's a really crazy plan! Good luck!


Subscribers: 18

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Gradient Levellers at 08:08 13/3-2011
  Congrats Jacek on top 10. And cheers for the front page article. Nice read. I edited it a little - hope you don't mind.

alberta 1 at 18:54 11/3-2011
  If all goes well:)

Bywater CT at 18:33 11/3-2011
  I don't have this title since some time (haven't noticed the exact day). Pezzola is now the youngest Top Division team, started 23 days after me. In total there are 7 teams from 2010 here, I guess you will join at latest after Nederlandse Tour :)

alberta 1 at 16:22 11/3-2011
  Congrats! You're like the pioneer a new strategy for getting to the top div.
  Enjoy your title of youngest team in div. 1 while you have it :)

Drapeau Noir at 14:14 11/3-2011
  "team management believes is the quickest in recent times"
  I'm sure you're right! I'm really impressed by your achievement.

Asymm Project at 11:52 11/3-2011
  Congratulations, Jacek!
  I hit the 200th (199th) today, with 66 days of playing. ^^

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Comments (2)

5th national title, will be there 6th as well?
Just updating the list of Estonian champions
Estonia in OCM, v1: national champions