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12:24 GMT         Day 42 of 90, Season 69    

Surtherby GP

Written by Canuck Racing at 16:56 31/7-2010

  After completion of the Surtherby GP, the boys arrived home with dissapointment on their faces. They entered the race rated one of they top 3 teams, but came home with an 8th place finish by Quinby Kaijala and a 13th place finish by Damon Maze. Swearing to perform better in races to come, the riders emplore patience from their fans as they believe to see results in the near future.


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  Canuck Racing hit its biggest milestone this morning with a third place result in Tournai - Mons. After seasons of building and forming a successful team, the ...


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Loss of points.

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An Amazing Result Thrusts Canuck Racing into Div 6

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Canuck Racing's First Win

  Today, the team competed in a climbing race in Italy from Collio to Bagolino. As one of the first teams to sign up for the race, our intention was to intimidat...


Zell am See Classic

  Goal: Top 3 placement. Result: 3rd place finish. Mission accomplished! Going into the Zell am See classic, we knew there was very stiff competition. T...


Sion - Sierre Team Effort

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Surtherby GP

  After completion of the Surtherby GP, the boys arrived home with dissapointment on their faces. They entered the race rated one of they top 3 teams, but came h...


Introduction to Canuck Racing

  Hello world of cycling! My name is Andrew Cantarutti and I am the manager of Canuck Racing. The team was first created on the 1st of June, 2010. Since then...



HC Alpine at 17:49 31/7-2010
  Bad luck. Im very dissapointed from my classics race.Ranked top 3 and came 10th...

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