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05:41 GMT         Day 50 of 90, Season 69    

Bring out your "Scot"s!

Written by TallGuysInSpandex at 16:43 2/5-2021

  We are continuing to try to build a team of riders that are from SCOTland or have SCOT in their name (such as Scott and Scotty...or any other variation).
  So far we have not had much luck. We did buy a talent who maxed out pretty well for us and now have Paddy Steele as our captain, but our Talent feature has mostly given us riders that are only Average.
  If you have a SCOT that needs a home, let us know! We are mostly focused on sprints, but Paddy has some nice hills, so we do lots of all-around races. Maybe we need to start a climbing squad?
  Also, if you are interested in any of our Non-SCOT riders, they will all be replaced with SCOTs as soon as possible, so feel free to reach out to us about them.
  Thanks for stopping by!


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Silenzio at 21:02 2/5-2021
  My Scot will retire soon and stay as a FR-trainer. Wish you all the best with Paddy and the other boys :)

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