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23:05 GMT         Day 42 of 90, Season 69    

Race Week 4: Season 56

Written by Starbucks Rwanda at 18:22 2/3-2021

  Race shape remains high across most of Starbucks Rwanda. Nearly all riders are in their best race shape that they've ever been during their time with team. Even Protais Mukambuguja, who suffered an injury last week, is at the top of his game. More rest is needed this week as the team prepares for important races in the weeks to come.
  While not yet registered, Starbucks Rwanda aims to attend Climbing Mounta Daimaruon Sunday, Day 28. It will feature intense climbs and notable downhills. The team is excited to get a feel for the terrain in Japan prior to the Tour of the Sanreizan.


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Race Week 5: Season 56

  This is the week the team has been waiting for since the start of the season. Tuesday, Day 30, the team will be racing among a full and deeply talented fiel...


Race Week 4: Season 56

  Race shape remains high across most of Starbucks Rwanda. Nearly all riders are in their best race shape that they've ever been during their time with team. Even...


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World Communism Team at 22:54 4/3-2021
  All the best in Japan. :)

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