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23:39 GMT         Day 42 of 90, Season 69    


Written by Equipo Easy On at 14:43 1/6-2018

  Ever since the return of EEO after the long break we have had a policy of scouting and training our own riders. This is costly and all training only pays if you find this Über-talent with real winner potential.
  EEO found some but whenever there was great potential (true winning potential, minimum 210 + of relevant stats), the riders maxed early:
   Travis Lauritsen: VG TT, VG TQ, FR AVG: 220 TT minimum! Max at 41
   Sancho Balbi: VG HL, VG SP, Max at 41
   Nacho Montana, INC SP, Small FR, AVG TQ - maxed at 40
   Rehani Bizimana VG CL, good DH, small HL and good FR - maxed at 37
  Other riders maxed OK, but lacked the potential to really earn cash (better than a 6th spot on a good day).
  With the closer regional focus of EEO today, the number of brilliant talents is lower and we trained riders that would not be trained elsewhere and are sometimes good for 2 races per season.
  Like Tom Salter, INC FR guy, maxing at 39.
  Like Laurence Karcher, Very Good HL & SP, AVG FR & TQ, maxing at 42
  Like Paulo Gualtieri, INC HL guy, maxing at 40.
  Recently, the training values have been good or even great (yes, there was this 180 points guy just recently) but they will not be winners. How many races will a hilly cobbler win?
  Now, there was this new guy, SP and TQ Very good, 210+ sprinter. OK, nearly 25 yo, but whatever. I was scared. I had this notion ...
  Now, Angus Robilier maxed at 40. I frigging cannot believe it.


Subscribers: 42

... not anymore

  after many days of contemplating, and after my talent feature churned out another completely useless guy, I decided to take in a promising talent, because I ris...


Single Nation team, finally

  After having had a strict regional focus on small island states and/or Caribbean states, after many seasons, EEO has finally become a single nation team, someth...


Training frustration continues

  There was this guy on the HL, a Scotsman, so he did not fit my team, really, but hey, I scouted him on impulse as he had this funny name, Ants Hilley, and Scotl...


First Trophy in 23 Seasons ...

  EEO has won the first trophy since Season 22.... And in Roubaix, Eli's favourite race in the other, insignificant cycling circle. It is somewhat telling ...


Top Form .... Frustration

  Well, EEO had never ever done Top Form on purpose, always by accident. We have also never ever recharged it, we always saw it as some kind of doping. Now, af...



  What is it with my Youth Academy? It must have churned out more than 50 youths (not to use the word talent) so far and there has been one that was worth tra...



  Ever since the return of EEO after the long break we have had a policy of scouting and training our own riders. This is costly and all training only pays if you...


EEO 7.0

  The new team focus is now also showing in the team flag. I am not sure that this will give me a new boost in motivation to play OCM. I still think a few thi...


EEO 6.0

  Bad luck training. Season 29 to 33 EEO came back and scored a few points in lower Div's using the old riders. Some were sold so there was a base to train ...



  Season 24 through 28 In my RealLife (TM) nothing much changed without OCM. That's all there is to say. I moved back to Europe. ...


EEO 5.0 - The aimless days

  Season 20 through 23 (approx) The sell-out of the team of EEO, Germans and Caribbeans left EEO with millions of OCM$'s. Rubbing his hands and totally free of...


EEO 4.0 German Days and a protest sell-out

  Season 17 through 20 (approximately) I changed the nationality of my team for one reason only: I wanted to do more in OCM, and by changing the flag, I could ...


EEO 3.0 Glory days

  Season 12 through 17 - Carribeans rule the OCM Circus Now in the Top 10 but not really getting any further, I decided that I needed to approach the whole thi...


EEO 2.0 - Getting grips

  Season 8 through 11 - Quick success The OCM cycle was very different back then. Once EEO managed to acquire a rider for 5k on the TM. Basically, there wa...


EEO 1.0 - The hapless days

  It's been a long silence, nearly three years since the last press release. The team has been in obscurity for so long that maybe it is time to write up the ...


Over and out

  Now it is finally over. 4 seasons after Eli sold out his team in protest and disappointment with the advent of the cheaters, the team is finally being shut down...


Massive sell-out

  Truman Vancil: one of the first dedicated hill riders in OCM, who, together with Urbano Menem and the largely forgotten Femi Babatunde was the role model for te...


Going out in a blaze of glory ?

  Gregory Levis asked Eli to have one last go at the WC ITT. After JackO of Team Whalers pledged in the same direction, it was decided that this was acceptable as...


It's over

  It has been hinted before. Equipo Easy On is in the game now for 12 seasons. 11 of them in Division 1. Half of them as No1. Maybe the history of EEO in OCM...


Farewell to Henry Lampkin

  Again, a Virgin islander was hurriedly sold to the transfer market. Experts reacted rather surprised that he was not sold to another team for a better price....


Farewell to Russel Gillenwater

  After a few days of rest, EEO released another rider who actively participated in the good old Caribbean days of EEO. Russel entered EEO in season 10, and f...


Farewell to Damon Tatlock

  EEO seems to be under severe pressure from their sponsors that prefer to remain anonymous. Another Caribbean was hastily sold off to the transfer market tod...


Farewell to Dorian Mruk

  This morning, Dorain Mruk was hastily signed off in order to hire a young Austrian talent. Dorian Mruk may not be a great rider by today's OCM standards. Ho...


No 1 again.

  EEO managed to regain the no 1 spot of the OCM ranking that the team held for more than three seasons without interruption. The reason are not spectacular r...


Missed Essex

  EEO has missed the signup for Essex Tour Season 18. Eli apologizes to Truman Vancil who had been promised a line-up of full support for stage 1, instead o...


Interview With Russell Gillenwater

  ?: Hi Russell, how are you today ? R.: Not good. Depressed and demotivated. ?: WHy ? R.: Dunno. Just so, I guess. ?: You recently returned to your ...



Holwerda Cycling at 21:50 4/6-2018
  Gotta love training!

AnnoDomini at 10:13 3/6-2018
  I also have a 100% self trained team and recently was lucky with high maxes even on riders who didnt have huge potential (like Ward Engelbert) but also had super talents maxing low (Regis Hollandts)

AnnoDomini at 10:10 3/6-2018
  It is always like this, some riders max high, some max low. The bad luck for you is that the ones which maxed high are not typical riders (Conway, Dixon, Chester) and there are very few races which suite them which means little money rewards...

trackstah07 at 21:20 1/6-2018

Equipo Easy On at 17:13 1/6-2018
  I managed to become No 1 for 3 or 4 seasons solely on my home trained riders, but I had been very lucky back then. Training is not rewarded, I agree, but I have given up to care.
  I am also not whining, it is just kind of strange how my really high potentials always seem to flunk. And scoring results just is so much more rewarding moneywise. And that would mean more training....

Drapeau Noir at 15:05 1/6-2018
  Training is not rewarded in this game and it should be changed. I became n°1 through training my own riders but I was very lucky with my own talent Melvynator and I'm not sure anyone could do the same nowadays. The market is so low, training is too expensive compared to buying a trained rider.

Other Team's Press Releases
The trumpets blow for Irani trades
  Government actions from the US have not taken its toll on the cycling world of Iran. Having lived a fairly isolated OCM-existence thus far we now see several tr...


Comments (3)

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Tour Design Competition - My preferences
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