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16:14 GMT         Day 45 of 90, Season 69    

Goal: Portuguese Top15!

Written by EJB Cycling at 00:29 28/2-2016

  On our way to Portuguese Top 15. Thats ou goal and what we ride for... for now...


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Portuguese Top 10

  Yeah!! Let's try to keep the good moment......


Goal: Portuguese Top15!

  On our way to Portuguese Top 15. Thats ou goal and what we ride for... for now......



Mescla at 19:11 28/2-2016
  Eu aconselho-te a vender os ciclistas mais fracos até ficares com 10. E a comprar um capitão ou arranjar um talento.
  Se tiveres alguma dúvida estás a vontade para perguntar.
  Boa sorte!

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