Online: 27
07:28 GMT         Day 46 of 90, Season 69    

First Suri to get a result

Written by Suriprofs at 13:50 13/1-2015

  Today is a historical day. Today is the first time ever for a Surinam rider to get a result in a race above division 11.
  "Your team participated in Semetler CB. Priyavrat van Dijk finished 3 rd as your best rider. You earned 8000$.
  Ejvind Spies had an off day. Abheek Radhakishun had an off day. Tomas Crompton had an off day. 11:21"
  Priyavrat is only 22 and is still a trainee. Nevertheless he managed to beat some much better captains of respectable famous teams like POM wonderful and Omega Pharma Lotto. Priyavrat is damn proud and highly motivated to improve his skills furthermore and get more results.


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Priyavrat van Dijk's first victory

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First Suri to get a result

  Today is a historical day. Today is the first time ever for a Surinam rider to get a result in a race above division 11. "Your team participated in Semetler...


Sranang dis naf joe!

  Suriprofs is the first Surinam-based CT in the OCM peloton. Over the past months I made a few attempts with my former top division team to change flags to S...



Suriprofs at 20:44 22/3-2015

BrokenChain at 19:14 22/3-2015
  CL: Average
  DH: None
  HL: None
  SP: Very good
  FR: Good
  CB: Small
  TT: None
  TQ: Good

Suriprofs at 19:13 22/3-2015
  Haha, does he have any potential?
  Van Dijk has maxed btw

Schiavi di Don at 15:03 22/3-2015
  No shit

BrokenChain at 13:43 22/3-2015
  do i have the new red lobster in my team ? ^^

Schiavi di Don at 11:19 24/2-2015
  My word, he is starting to look rather good now

Schiavi di Don at 13:57 13/1-2015
  Go Priyavrat!

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