Online: 41
10:23 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


Written by trekbmcfdj at 01:39 8/11-2014

  I made it!
  now only 500 to go....


Subscribers: 3

Vorkula TT

  You know when you sign your young climber talent up for a time trial just to get some race shape? Then you realise the time trial relies more on climbing then t...


Ty Hansen

  Today Ty Hanson will race his last race with trekbmcfdj, the team no longer needs his services as the 34 year old Australian nears retirement. He will begin ...



  I made it! now only 500 to go.......



  Before realising I would be kicked for spam, I wrote this (but edited it straight away): ...


DIV 6!!! :)

  I'm now in div 6! :) My change to TT has definitely been good and now I'm in div 6. I really have to thank jmtoler for this and yeah. ...


Out of the Bottom Div. Into the Old Bottom

  I finally got out of the bottom division! My goal since I started this game on 23/11/12 with Trekbmc and restarted with a new team on the 19/9/13 with Trekmcfdj...



trekbmcfdj at 20:52 8/11-2014
  epic skills
  do these count as comment?

jmtoler at 13:46 8/11-2014
  I believe you are doing push ups one handed, whilst most post ranking with the other hand.

trekbmcfdj at 10:18 8/11-2014
  oh I get it now,
  I currently struggle on 1 push up, but if you want, believe that I am typing this as I do my 622nd push up. :P

Schiavi di Don at 07:41 8/11-2014
  Push ups are for pussies toler. Real men make it to the Most Posts Ranking!

trekbmcfdj at 05:37 8/11-2014

jmtoler at 04:02 8/11-2014
  push ups?

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