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15:17 GMT         Day 41 of 90, Season 69    


All Results

Newport - Cardiff

Rider, Team
  Hungary Vida Anasztáz, MOVISTAR KELME TEAM
  2. Belgium Harold Goethuys, Leseturs
  3. Czech Republic Anton Zub, CCFC
  4. Netherlands Ferdinand Verheijen, Wizzyweb
  5. South Africa Blake Groce, Drapeau Noir
  6. Australia Tony Davis, PJMcycles
  7. Germany Dennis Gassner, Equilibrium
  8. Spain Hugo Aristzabal, Megaman
  9. Hungary Penz Péter, Velo Club Bored Man

Newport ITT

Rider, Team
  Czech Republic Otokar Vorel, CyclingClubChomutov
  2. Spain Hugo Aristzabal, Megaman
  3. Czech Republic Svaton Kubelka, CyclingClubChomutov
  4. Australia Tony Davis, PJMcycles
  5. Switzerland Berti Wurst, Megaman
  6. Norway Jørn Løland, PtbaGooner
  7. Norway Egil Steinsland, Wizzyweb
  8. Portugal Caio Castro, Vitória FC
  9. New Zealand Lachlan Wilkins, Competitive Edge

Fuga dal Vesuvio

Rider, Team
  Iceland Styr Vebjörnsson, Team Guy
  2. South Africa Blake Groce, Drapeau Noir
  3. Colombia Igor Guillen, ciccioneverde
  4. Netherlands Lex Van Gurp, Clenbuterol Cheats
  5. Spain Ronaldinho Soldadera, disco cycling
  6. Belgium Eddy Pardons, Team Belfius
  7. Wales Herbert Tyre, AGB Procycling
  8. Montenegro Vukosav Vidaković, Team Formand United
  9. England Shimon Samuels, English Sprinting Team

Welshpool - Bangor

Rider, Team
  Hungary Penz Péter, Velo Club Bored Man
  2. Czech Republic Svaton Kubelka, CyclingClubChomutov
  3. Czech Republic Otokar Vorel, CyclingClubChomutov
  4. Italy Lucca Joinoe, MerschFlyers
  5. Taiwan Qin Kejun, K2 Kings
  6. Australia Nevan Ryles, AGB Procycling
  7. Portugal Egas Gois, Vitória FC
  8. New Zealand Lachlan Wilkins, Competitive Edge
  9. England Addison Ingersoll, Cremtec

Clásica de los Pirineos

Rider, Team
  South Africa Dale Ubisi, Totalidade
  2. Canada Halbert Pounds, paceuts
  3. Colombia Eugenio Pita, Team Formand United
  4. Portugal Aires Festas, Vitória FC
  5. Netherlands Rob de Walef, K2 Kings
  6. USA Terrell Byrd, Baccala
  7. France Denys Mallet, Leseturs
  8. Germany Jonathan Rodenthal, sivac
  9. Belgium Bjorn Swinnen, Sons of the Desert

Temps de Rennes

Rider, Team
  Norway Lars Johannesen, Stroopwafel
  2. Tajikistan Aleksey Yozhin, Spliff cycling
  3. Germany Enno Knapp, Equilibrium
  4. Norway Pål Karlsen, Castelli
  5. USA Dwayne Chamberlain, Temora Tornadoes
  6. São Tomé and Príncipe Diangi da Costa, Spliff cycling
  7. Greece Spyros Kastaniotis, Castelli
  8. Jamaica Unwin Down, Spliff cycling
  9. Netherlands Sibbe Zomer, Castelli

Trofeo Bajando a Granada

Rider, Team
  Namibia Ingram Isaacs, Goege Team
  2. Switzerland Erik Wismund, AnnoDomini
  3. Isle of Man Freeman Woolums, Man 2 Man
  4. Spain Ronaldinho Cortina, teddybears
  5. Montenegro Vukosav Vidaković, Team Formand United
  6. England Shimon Samuels, English Sprinting Team
  7. France James Bonnet, TD rockets
  8. Czech Republic Svatomír Krupa, Team Guy
  9. Central African Republic Frederic Tshiminyi, Totalidade

Mito - Tokyo

Rider, Team
  Czech Republic Libomír Bajer, MerschFlyers
  2. Denmark Claas Reimer, MOVISTAR KELME TEAM
  3. Netherlands Nordin Pruischer, AGB Procycling
  4. Denmark Emil Sønderby, Amstel Flanders
  5. Italy Martino Oneto, Albiceleste
  6. Belgium Yannick Walstad, Temora Tornadoes
  7. Greenland Viggo Arreak, Sons of the Desert
  8. Laos Khampeng Sacpraseuth, depadvinders
  9. Colombia Igor Guillen, ciccioneverde

Jirisan Jostle

Rider, Team
  South Africa Todd Lewis, peddelen
  2. Australia Daimon Courtney, PJMcycles
  3. Thailand Wanlob Piandit, PRS
  4. Democratic Republic of Congo Anatole Fataki, Snooman
  5. USA Chase Falcone, Tjust Pro Racing Team
  6. Australia Jarome Monaghan, pollyjean
  7. Thailand Pongtorn Beadtaku, disco cycling
  8. Slovakia Julo Lietava, Albiceleste
  9. Germany Jonathan Rodenthal, sivac

Bochum Fahrt

Rider, Team
  Serbia Gordan Ercegovac, Comfius
  2. Slovakia Alexej Tittel, Drapeau Noir
  3. Scotland Seb Gold, TallGuysInSpandex
  4. Germany Torben Pfeiffer, Equilibrium
  5. Botswana Said Boureanu, Stroopwafel
  6. Belgium Dominik Quintens, teddybears
  7. Belgium Izak De Meulder, PRS
  8. Bahamas Benedict Moutray, Equipo Easy On
  9. Belgium Ian Van Summeren, teddybears