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13:27 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


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Pier Abbenbroek claims victory

  The many climbs in GrandPrix Darvastanya didn't give any good ideas for the riders. No riders attacked the entire stage through. When the final climb was near, ...


Pier Abbenbroek shows talent

  Pier Abbenbroek had it all when the ending of Santa Isabel - Ruinas Torre VirĂ­a was near. With a perfect position in the peloton, all he had to do was timing h...


Good Result Killian

  In the Beat Cup Jimmi-race our Captain Floyd Killian finally competed against his former teammates from SESIGNA. "It was good to see some old friends again,...


National jersey Wales

  After a lot of training and races Floyd did manage to became the wearer of the national jersey from Wales. Floyd wants to thank some people: "Without the tr...


Other Team's Press Releases
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