Online: 46
09:52 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


Subscribers: 2

One race to save career in Wales

  After yet another horrendus performance by Welsh Phoenix's time trialing duo Gian Calliani and Aquilino Mourao, the duo have been issued an ultimatum. Significa...


When will the luck change???

  Well on a racing front things are going from bad to worse. How we can keep faring so terribly is a mystery??? Two of the best TTers in the race, one finishes 28...


Aiming to be Welsh Giants

  Welsh Phoenix may only be two months old as a team, but we've already achieved much and had many changes here. The team has moved up to division 6, largely due ...


Other Team's Press Releases
Top Transfers
  While waiting on the last races to post the review of the season, I have organized the transfers done by the team. I had forgotten some of those until I checked...


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