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21:49 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


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Zack Davie named season 18 rider of the season

  Victoria's Zack Davie was last night presented with the Cadel Evans Medal after being named the season 18 Australian Cyclist of the season at a black tie functi...


Sylvester Bai wins his first race.

  Even though several riders tried to break away, no one managed to keep it going in Esquel Climbs. The strongest riders in the peloton stayed together in the lea...


New Signings

  Team ANZ Bank have been busy over the last few weeks signing riders to complete their climbing team. They have signed Chan Cois from Poker21 and also Imai Hiron...


Middlebrooks given all-clear by his doctors

  ANZ Bank rider set to join his team-mates at training camp Team ANZ Bank rider Konrad Middlebrooks has been given the all-clear to return to full training by m...


ANZ unveil new jersey.

  Team ANZ Bank have unveiled their new jersey for the season at their training camp in Sydney, Australia. The new jersey has relatively minor changes with white ...


Landry Gowdy proves his worth...

  Landry Gowdy was the fastest rider in the peloton when Kolding - Randers was coming to an end. Landry Gowdy speeded up and managed to get several meters ahead o...


Gowdy is motivated and ready

  Landry Gowdy says he's still motivated and will be ready for Grimstrup - Esbjerg, despite knee problems that have dogged his early season. The Team ANZ ...


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