Online: 63
11:56 GMT         Day 42 of 90, Season 69    


Subscribers: 6

An old man on a bike

  When Fabio Borges came to AEK, the team didn’t really know what to do with the aging superstar. His most recent seasons were far from impressive and there wer...



  Earlier this week, the team won Norwich-London for the 15th time. A good moment to look back at our history in this race. - Ferdinand Michálek It all start...


Boswijk retires

  After the release of Hermanus Koeling a few seasons back and the recent transfer of Keith Dabney to Kalakini CC, Filip Boswijk decided to retire with immediate ...


Other Team's Press Releases
S63 Review
  Greetings, OCM managers. It’s that special time again, where you can have a quick glimpse on what happened in the past 90 days at Amstel Flanders. It has b...


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Magic Trio retires
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