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15:03 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


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Oops I did it again...

  I blame Nick, he made this thing too much fun......


Farewell note

  Due to... well... ocm-boredom basically Die Tour Phantome is closing shop for the moment. We might be back some day, then again, we might not. In any case, ...


From A.A. to ...

  After a year and a half and some moderate succes with our A.A themed team, management got bored again. (And most of our better riders are getting old en gre...


Bye bye Gibraltar!

  As they say... all good things come to an end. In that category Die Tour Phantome team management announced today the team is shifting its focus away from Gibra...


100% Gibraltar

  Yes, we did it. It took some time, but as of today, Die Tour Phantome had a squad consisting of only riders from Gibraltar. Why? Because... we can. Because...


Changing direction

  Looking back, it was madness to begin with. A team from the flattest country in the world trying to conquer the highest mountains of OCM. For years Die Tour Pha...


How to not get fired...

  Well, finish on the podium in a tour! And that's exactly what Tomas Belo did, for the second year in a row. He fell a grand total of 12 seconds short of repeati...


Blessing in disguise

  With Tomas Belo waiving the flowers and drinking champagne on the podium in Porto, thoughts in Die Tour Phantome HQ back in the Netherlands drifted back to a se...


Points, at last

  Finally, after 46 days (more than half a season!) without scoring a single OCM point Die Tour Phantome today celebrates a top 9 finish. Mason Mulligan managed t...


Happy birthday Mr. Schenkhuizen

  Day 1 of Season 27 was a memorable day for Die Tour Phantome. One of the early heroes of our team turned 40 years old. Happy birthday, Mr. Pim Schenkhuizen! ...


Beating the Bane (or whatever he's called)

  Critics questioned the call. Yes, they even called manager Alexx names. In public! Why let a promising rider like Freddy Beaulieu reach the peak of his potentia...


Getting younger

  Die hard fans of Die Tour Phantome must have had a hard time the last weeks. Some of the biggest names in the team had to leave, Die Tour Phantome are looking t...


Farewell to Falur

  And off he rode, on his bike, into the sunset. The best rider in Die Tour Phantome history (and probably the best Die Tour Phantome-rider ever) left the team to...


Move over Manolito

  Life as a professional cyclist can be tough. Just ask Manolito Becerra. The 34 year old Spanish rider worked his tail off for the captains of Die Tour Phantome....


Atlantic Alliance

  On the eve of Giovanni Faulk's debut for Die Tour Phantome, manager Alexx traveled to Scotland to officially anounce the team's new strategy. "It's AA. No, not ...


The Faulk has landed

  57, 56, 55... No, it's not the countdown to a new rocket launch. It's the Die Tour Phantome depth chart after adding American hilling legend Giovanni Faulk. At ...


Number one, twice

  A season of not so spectacular results has ended in a spectacular fashion for Die Tour Phantome! That Falur Sigfinnursson once again finished the season atop th...


Old man Falur sharp as a knife

  "Too old? Me? Nonsense! Age is just a number..." Falur Sigfinnurssons pre Germany Tour press conference turned into a true cross examination of the Icelandic a...


Not too shabby

  Where it took Icelandic legend Falur Sigfinnursson seven tries (4x Vuelta, 2x Volta and 1x Essex) to reach the podium in a Tour, his Portuguese predecessor Toma...


Red, yet again

  After the disappointment of júst missing out on our first Classic Win (Danny Van Putten finished second in Criterium la Provence), some good news arrived from ...


Training a phantom

  Management of Die Tour Phantome just sent ABK some of our top secret training information for his GOMDS project. So, to keep a level playing field, we've put al...


Bye Bye 'Beuving

  Today Die Tour Phantome parted ways with the last rider of our original line up: Jannick Oldenbeuving. "He was a great rider for many years, but lately, he's ju...


Failure no more

  The greatest result in the history of Die Tour Phantome came earlier today, as Falur Sigfinnurson won Vuelta de los Castillos. "I could not be happier", said ma...


Top Div!

  A memorable day in team history calls for the first ever press release of Die Tour Phantome: the team reached the holy grail of OCM, Top Division! Toine Touzet'...


Other Team's Press Releases
A Fond Farewell to Estefan Marti and Femi Tshiela
  Our team has been honoured to play host to these two superstars in the last few seasons of their illustrious careers, the high point being Femi Tshiela's lead-o...


Comments (1)

Tyler Richardson's Blistering Start