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23:39 GMT         Day 41 of 90, Season 69    


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Woe-jima for Alfons

  The inaugural outing of Japan's Wajima GP turned out to be a largely disappointing race for the CB's team. With Derwin Vanetten placing highest on the day in 12...


Udo in the points again

  Udo Greve continues to regain his form after his self-confessed "implosion on the final climb" of the Nong Chaeng GP, once again picking up valuable points with...


Tammany finds form in Fundão

  Despite Cecil Blazon selecting some of his strongest riders for the 89km time-trial through the ancient Portuguese city of Fundão, it would be 24 year old Scot...


Hooiveld pipped at Nong Chaeng

  After his success at the Umtata TT, Edward Hooiveld was outrun on the sprint to the line at the Nong Chaeng GP. Despite a gruelling flight from South Africa tha...


Hooiveld's Umtata Heroics

  The Colonels Bucket team triumphed today in the extremely tough Umtata ITT in South Africa. Despite some great times being posted throughout the day, the real a...


Olemans stuns Vorkula!

  In a unsettling week ahead the Vorkula TT in Russia, Colonels Bucket rider Etienne Olemans grabs 3rd place in a extremely tough field dominated by a strong Dodg...


Sales, Live! & Birthday Cake

  Today team manager Cecil Blazon finally gave his Colonels Bucket press team the green light to "go live!" and what a day it's wound up to be!! The teams' ne...


Other Team's Press Releases
 No press releases available..