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03:06 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


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Recap: Return of the bike, season 58

  Last season team 1 2 Cycle returned to the world of Online Cycling Manager. The team invested a lot to build two strong teams and expanded the team management i...


The return of 1, 2 Cycle

  At the start of season 58 team 1, 2 Cycle returned to OCM after a inactive period of years. That's not counting the team's sporadically logins throughout the ye...


1 2 Cycle, archive XVIII

  With 2 weeks on the way in the new season it is time for a recap and our new season goals. First of a few statistics: SEASON 37 WINNINGS Lambert va...


1 2 Cycle, archive XVII

  The last couple of weeks team 1 2 Cycle made some needed changes. The last of these changes completed this morning meaning 12C is ready for season 37! Last few ...


1 2 Cycle, archive XVI

  Today the 1 2 Cycle merchandise team under the lead of PR manager Jef Maaskant decided to bring back the jersey from season 20. This beautiful jersey was worn j...


1 2 Cycle, archive XV

  What is it with division 1?! I had a great streak in division 2 one result after the other, won 2 jerseys in less than a half season. Couldn’t go better and w...


1 2 Cycle, archive XIV

  Yesterday night team 1 2 Cycle released their new logo and jersey, giving a new touch and feel to the team. The last weeks have not been great for 12C a lot of ...


Ode to Darian Hadfield

  Retirement day has come for Darian Hadfield, Darian is and will be 1 2 Cycle's all time hero. Darian is by far 1 2 Cycle's most successful rider ever and one of...


1 2 Cycle, archive XIII

  Season 31 was a great one for 1 2 Cycle! We made it into division 1 and we should be able to stay! First off Lambert van der Grijp is a great success! In les...


1 2 Cycle, archive XII

  Season 36 is a season of change within 1 2 Cycle. All the more reason for team manager Mark Marakus to presents his team to press and fans! Last season Lambe...


1 2 Cycle, archive XI

  As always team manager Mark is fairly late with the announcement of his team new season goals and presentation. But as a wise man once said “better late than ...


1 2 Cycle, archive X

  New season, new goals for 1 2 Cycle, first off the review of last season. Season 25 was again a season of many changes, again all riders where sold and new r...


1 2 Cycle, archive IX

  Team manager Mark Marakus is over excited with the best news in years for 1 2 Cycle. Local hero en very best home trained rider ever for 1 2 Cycle, Darian Hadfi...


1 2 Cycle, archive VIII

  This season’s press release is a bit late but nevertheless her it is! Season 24 was another season of change. Where season 23 was a change from a cobble t...


Season 23 a season of change!! + S24 Preview

  The headline says it all a season of change... Just 3 riders (Chibaza, Parilla and Wessels) survived the changes within 1 2 Cycle. Meaning 7 riders cleared the ...


1 2 Cycle, archive VII

  Another year another review and preview. As always we kick off with the annual review. Both the 1 2 Cycle management as the team manager Marakus are very ple...


1 2 Cycle, archive VI

  Old 1 2 Cycle hero Kuno Laanes is coming home after 3 seasons on the road. Kuno and his former and new manager Marakus are very excited! When Kuno joined 1 ...


1 2 Cycle, archive V

  A new cobble era will begin cause Darian Hadfield has arrived! Since this morning Darian has reached his full amazing potential. He has outstanding cobble fi...


1 2 Cycle, archive IV

  Tomorrow 27th of March the new season will start. How did 1 2 Cycle perform in season 19, did team manager Marakus live up to the expectations? Stay tuned! ...


1 2 Cycle, archive III

  Season 19 has recently begun, time for a review of season 18 and a preview of season 19. Review: Although most of the season 18 goals have not been reache...


1 2 Cycle, archive II

  Season 18 is about to kick off! It is time for 1 2 Cycle to proclaim their season goals for the very first time! 12 Cycle has set five goals, seems they have...


1 2 Cycle, archive I

  Half way there second (full) season 1 2 Cycle (12C) states there second press release. The upcoming cycling team (12C) had a bumpy road which laid a lot of p...


1 2 Cycle states his first press release

  The upcoming cycling team carrying it in its name 1 2 Cycle states his first press release. The relatively new cycling team has climbed up the division ladde...


Other Team's Press Releases
Vejle-København: Surprise surprise
  As being the oldest classic of the OCM calendar, we think Vejle-København should have the attention it never had. That is why we made a small preview before th...


Comments (4)

Vejle-København and other disappointments
Meine goes back home
Great days in Spain