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11:42 GMT         Day 42 of 90, Season 69    

Too beneficial

Written by BennysBadekar at 12:18 27/8-2014

  Frederik d. VI’s Allé 4, 1820 Frederiksberg C
  Benny was recently released from Sankt Hans Hospital in Roskilde, and is now living with his old demented mother. The appartment reeks of cigarillos and stale Ritter Sport Nugat.
  Q: We are here in you mothers appartment. Can you tell us what has happened lately?
  *Bennys looks up with weary eyes. A hint of a tear appears in the corner of his left eye.
  ”I just couldn’t take it anymore. All these accusations and quetions… ”
  *A sudden flash of fire appears in Bennys eyes as he raises his voice.
  ”How would you like being called a cheat!? The stupid questions from Dutch and French managers. I will not mention names, but Eric and Yann, you know who you are!!”
  Q: Why didn’t you just tell the truth from the beginning?
  ”I don’t owe anybody any explenations! I am no wise kid like Chris or an over-achiever like Delion. I must create my succes on the market, and I don’t need any excuses.”
  Q: ”Some have called your trades too beneficial?”
  *Benny sits up strait and leans forward.
  ”I damn well hope they are! Too beneficial means good business. I have not broken any rules, I just work harder than others. Do you know how much energy it takes to spam every new cycling team? Ask Slico… He will tell you. He gave up, and now look at his team. Ha! It takes dedication to succeed on the transfer market. Dedication AND skill. Look at Lord Toler. Great dedication, but no skill. He is too soft when it comes to negotiations…”
  Q: ”So you would do it again?”
  ”Oh hell yes! I am doing it right now.”
  *Benny gets up
  ”Now I have to take care of business. I have a talented old TTer to sign for next season”


Subscribers: 13

Too beneficial

  Frederik d. VI’s Allé 4, 1820 Frederiksberg C INTERVIEW WITH BENNY BADEKAR. Benny was recently released from Sankt Hans Hospital in Roskilde, and is n...


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Team WonderDee at 09:40 21/10-2014
  Same with Brestir Arnþorsson from one of the feeder teams. After this PR, it just make your cheating worst.

V02maXXers at 20:11 20/10-2014
  Bad choice Benny. But let me know which team you are when you start over again.

Team WonderDee at 17:10 20/10-2014
  Ouch! Teams shut down today:
   Haps Dog
   Farao Munks
  See two riders direct from Haps Dogs. One from Farao Munks. One of the riders from Haps Dogs is Ottar Styrkársson . No wonder he never was sold in the forum.

BennysBadekar at 16:45 17/10-2014
  Nairobi City Cycling Club

Cremtec at 10:45 28/8-2014

Kremer at 22:49 27/8-2014
  Keep going!

V02maXXers at 15:51 27/8-2014
  Best PR I have seen in times

V02maXXers at 15:51 27/8-2014
  Keep up the good shit Benny!

NightmareChaos at 13:36 27/8-2014
  Good for You. Those that shout the loudest are those with the darkest secrets

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