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09:26 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Scouting in the 10th.

Written by SprintingKings at 13:57 20/5-2014

  I've always been a scouting addict. The thrill of seeing that incredible stat appearing on a riders profile after hitting the scout button is freaking addictive. Sadly most of the times you'll just stumble uppon a bunch of nons and smalls.
  Although since I've been able to scout the riders released by new teams in the 10th division my scouting succes has significantly increased. I don't keep track of the numbers but if I stopped scouting now it could very well be possible I even made a profit this week. Luckily I'm not stupid never stop when you have succes, it's just like gambling ;)
  Discovered talents:
  Henry Boisen:
  CL: Very good
  DH: Average
  HL: Small
  SP: Good
  FR: None
  CB: Small
  TT: Small
  TQ: Average
  Gale Reason:
  CL: None
  DH: Average
  HL: Average
  SP: Good
  FR: Average
  CB: Incredible
  TT: None
  TQ: Average
  Proshattam Roko:
  CL: Good
  DH: Average
  HL: Good
  SP: Small
  FR: Small
  CB: Small
  TT: None
  TQ: Good
  Símon Viðarsson:
  CL: Very good
  DH: Average
  HL: Average
  SP: None
  FR: None
  CB: Average
  TT: Average
  TQ: Small
  Tyler Servos:
  CL: Small
  DH: Small
  HL: Small
  SP: Average
  FR: Very good
  CB: None
  TT: Average
  TQ: Small


Subscribers: 14

Scouting in the 10th.

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nonnies at 22:25 19/6-2014
  Discovered this, and all I thought was. Finally some one like me , I'm not insane

Lysskar Nabolag at 00:49 4/6-2014
  Have you stopped racing and just scouting? Any further plans for training?

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