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11:32 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

ABRTB's first TF for Craft

Written by ABRTB at 15:40 31/12-2013

  Teejay Craft, captain of the ABRTB climbing squad, has reached Top Form for the first time of his career. This up and coming 22 year old American talent will be aiming for 3 different races in the coming week. The team will start at Turek GP and Datong GP finishing off with one more race early next week.
  Craft has already had 2 strong results in Season 27 with a 2nd at Zurich LB and a 1st at Trebons Criterium. With the help of some other strong climbers (including Eloi Fortin who also just now achieved TF) Craft and ABRTB hope to notch a few more results onto their belt this week.


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ABRTB's first TF for Craft

  Teejay Craft, captain of the ABRTB climbing squad, has reached Top Form for the first time of his career. This up and coming 22 year old American talent will be...



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