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06:04 GMT         Day 41 of 90, Season 69    


Written by wild mountain team at 00:27 11/12-2012

  Jeez. i have one of the biggest reports due On thr 17 same day as a huge math test and same day as a science test holy crap do my teachers find the one day before break and pound us with work


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Aquilino Poças

  Happy Birthday Aquilino Poças!...



  "Early on the stage, five optimistic riders attacked on the first climbs of La Ribera Critérium. They managed to keep a gap between them and the peloton until ...


I'm Back

  Well after the team folded back in god knows when, Recent investors wanted to re-spark the fire that had once led Wild Mountain Team to the powerhouse it was. M...



  Wild Mountain Team's new rider Kritopa Gear has already stepped up to the challenge and gotten the team some results. He won Tella-Sun GP and we hope the result...


new rider to wild mountain team

  We would like to Welcom Anders With all our hearts on this team and we hope he brings good fortune and wins Name: Anders Michaelsen Nation: Denmark Age:...



  Jeez. i have one of the biggest reports due On thr 17 same day as a huge math test and same day as a science test holy crap do my teachers find the one day befo...



  In my life I have just started( 3 years ago) to love cycling now I ride 20 miles every day let this be a leson find something u like and live it and love it and...


best thing to do

  the worlds best thing to do is either bike on a tredmill or surf the mavrick in san fran bay with kelly slater...


daytona 500

  have you ever thought about racing a bike fo 500 laps around a race car track i have it sounds awesome to me...



  some races are death traps for riders ...



wild mountain team at 04:45 15/12-2012
  why dont you two meet in the middle and Aarin can tudor Don Hamstre

don hamstre team at 07:04 12/12-2012
  But ABK comes by longboat, and my town isn't at a river (only a small canal)

nonnies at 06:31 12/12-2012
  I'm sure I can do it on a plane. But ABK is closer

don hamstre team at 06:19 12/12-2012
  why are you interrupting me and nonnies' high-intellect conversation? ;)

wild mountain team at 00:30 12/12-2012
  wow i think this turned into there arguement instead of my press release

don hamstre team at 17:58 11/12-2012
  You can do that kind of easy stuff in an aeroplane, can you?

nonnies at 17:50 11/12-2012
  Because I'm busy studying for a math degree.

don hamstre team at 17:20 11/12-2012
  @If you think math is fun and easy, why don't you come over to the Netherlands and help me?

nonnies at 17:14 11/12-2012
  Math is fun and easy. Calculus , the lot.

don hamstre team at 17:02 11/12-2012
  Math, science, way too difficult in the Netherlands. I would have got rid of them if I could, but maths is compulsory =(

nonnies at 16:58 11/12-2012
  What are you people whining about , math and science are not study subjects. I aced it when I was at school, with little to none studying

don hamstre team at 16:56 11/12-2012
  I feel your pain, have also got too much school work =(

nonnies at 04:55 11/12-2012

wild mountain team at 04:45 11/12-2012
  oh im not worried bout the tests that much im more worried about the paper i have to write

Super Velo at 01:29 11/12-2012
  I guess it looks like you will have to hit the books and forget about OCM and your other games. lol

NightmareChaos at 00:58 11/12-2012
  Just cheat

ScotterPop at 00:45 11/12-2012
  That is because they don't like you and they want you to fail.

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