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19:35 GMT         Day 41 of 90, Season 69    

Zilla take 4th season win, catapult into Div 6

Written by Jimzilla at 21:18 7/12-2010

  Matthew Montoya, even without Climbing protégée Zack Teece, took another race win in Texas to propel Jimzilla back into the serious leagues. Jim Sands was pleased with the performance, and is looking to have Zack healthy for another onslaught on the Division 6 challengers.


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Div 5! Woop

  Only took me 12 years......


Div 10? Thanks Very Much!

  Two wins on the bounce for Jimzilla, including a 1-2 in Australia, sealed a Division 7 spot in awesome style. Alfons Correyns continued his fine form by winning...



  A sprint win and a climbing podium meant Jimzilla claim a Div 9 spot. A champagned party enused after Correyns win in Holland, and manager James Sands was repor...


Zilla take 4th season win, catapult into Div 6

  Matthew Montoya, even without Climbing protégée Zack Teece, took another race win in Texas to propel Jimzilla back into the serious leagues. Jim Sands was ple...


Zilla claim second win and double podium in Sierre

  Matthew Montoya captured the southern Swiss mountain race to go with his recent Denau Climbings title, the first time Jimzilla have notched consecutive wins. El...



Team Washo at 17:21 27/3-2011
  Is Zack Teece maxed, and if not what potentials does he have?

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