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10:55 GMT         Day 42 of 90, Season 69    

S62 review

Written by Xtreme Cycling at 17:02 2/11-2022

  What a season it has been!
  Against all expectations, it turned out to be a record breaking season for the team. With 7 victories and 13 results the total amount of points accrued tallies up to 1236. Almost 300 points above our previous record that dates back to season 49, the golden days of Maximino Picone.
  Whereas that was a season of indiviual brilliance, this season has been quite the opposite, with our top 4 riders almost gathering 300 points each. At the moment of writing, this has even proven to be enough to snuck into division 2. While the team is probably not ready yet to sustain a division 2 position, it will be our main target in the near future.
  Team development
  This season saw the completion of the training of Maxwell Clackmannan who turned out as the best possible version of himself. For the upcoming season we will keep our eyes open for any climbing support acquisitions, to support Maxwell in the mountains.
  This season also saw the retirement of one of our faithul Hill Helpers Yamashita Yoji. He will continue to be a part of our team as our dedicated hill trainer.
  At the moment we are finalizing the training of Amaad Dausi as a support rider for the allround races. After this, the plan is to save some money and improve the staff department. But knowing my spending habits, I will probably end up spending it all on scouting and training.
  Oh well, as a famous philosopher once said: ''Mo' money mo' problems''. And we at Xtreme Cycling follow that creed religously.


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Xtreme Cycling at 13:48 3/11-2022
  I guess it's all in the name,. He maxed well :p

Holwerda Cycling at 09:19 3/11-2022
  Congratulations on our great season!
  And Maxwell... wow.

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