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14:23 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Sergio Bergasa made history

Written by Amazonia at 08:27 30/9-2022

  Sergio has proved to be a regular rider for all these seasons.
  It is the best season ever for Sergio at almost 35 years old (day76)
  Today he reached 600 points in one season and beat this previous 578 points (season 56).
  Also over all these seasons he brought more than $600 k to the team what it is the highest amount of money earned by a rider.


Subscribers: 4

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Sergio Bergasa made history

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Amazonia at 10:26 7/10-2022
  It was my 1st rider I trained and he was already 24 going on his 25 but I took the risk and he has payed off. He will be a great trainer after all these seasons :)

Silenzio at 10:07 7/10-2022
  Great rider. From your startsquad wasn't he?

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