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12:32 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Brina promotes to Division 6

Written by brina at 01:18 14/3-2021

  After an unexpected 1st place on Annecy - Rumilly perpetrated by Brina's new captain Cuarto Methol, the even more unexpected promotion to Divison 6 arrived.
  After the hangout from the celebration that the whole team had on yesterday's evening because of this unforgettable achievement, we're back on the road to plan our next move forward.
  In the short term we'll be finishing training on SP, FR, and TQ our fierce lead outs, with special focus on our new signing, Haraldo Checa. Though not superb, this young rider promises to dispute Methol´s capitancy very soon.
  In the mid term, Brina will keep looking for young Argentine riders with better potential than the one our current team has, so to slowly increase our chances to be again over the podium.
  Division 7 was not that easy, and we expect to be stucked on Division 6 for a while, consolidating our skills. Brina is a team with special attention on the long run, on which youngsters and their potential will signal its expertise and differential. This means that we probably won't be on the spotlight any time soon, as young, average Argentine riders aren't likely to beat veteran, highly trained professional cyclists.
  However, we're here for the teamwork, for the thrill of the unknown. Because, what's more rewarding in this game than being surprised by an unexpected result, such as the one we had on Annecy - Rumilly?
  See you all on the sprint!


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Brina promotes to Division 6

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Gewoon Rechtdoor at 22:46 17/3-2021
  Osvaldo has found a great new home :)

brina at 22:44 17/3-2021
  I think Idalia thinks, as I do, that you're also responsible for this achievement. Thanks for your help mate!

DeRodeLantaarn at 22:27 17/3-2021
  I think Osvaldo Idalia sometimes might think this achievement could have been his to:)
  But a nice start from Methol in division 6!
  Good that you are planning on the long run. Patience will bring you more in this game.

brina at 12:49 15/3-2021
  You're right about that! The gravitational forces are ambushing my ranking!

Gewoon Rechtdoor at 12:40 15/3-2021
  Congrats! Now the challenge is to stay there, as you will start losing points soon :O

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