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14:00 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

US Postal D58 (S53)

Written by USA Postal Services at 06:07 10/7-2020

  Greetings to everyone. Another update from Hawaii, the US Postal is preparing details for the big assault for S54 goals. With the participation at Astana CBGP the competitive performance of the team will be over, the rest of the season will follow an specific race plan for the key riders of the team, Max Douglas, Leonards Podnieks and Sylváin Kabbah.
  Unfortunately for ''ExKabbahtor'', he just maxed after 100 training points, only 11 points out to reach his full potential as sprinter. At least, he will be an useful lead out for a future sprint captain or Mad Max in a cobble race. ''It's a pity, I know the team had huge hope with me, but can't complain. Most sprint talents max abruptly in less average, and they are not completely helpful,'' words from Kabbah after completing his training. Manager Armstrong announced in a press conference that Dylan Lombard will join the merciless training camp of the US Postal.
  ''Wow, I wasn't expecting to join the training camp really soon. I had trained 33 points so far and I hope to get a decent level for Season 54, as Mad Max will target some important races,'' Lombard declared. The South African rider, son of french inmigrants that moved to Capetown, will be crucial for Douglas and if the luck and kidneys are by our side, a good vice captain that can assume the lead while the Kiwi Man rest.
  ''Really happy for Dylan. It's also good for the team,'' Mad Max said. Asked about his goals for Season 54, Douglas added cryptically, ''Can't reveal a lot about it. We still talking with the manager and trainers, and depending what they decide, you will know about my goals...''
  Manager Armstrong will use this second part of the season to ride with Douglas, as he did with one of the team legends, Bullet McCain. In the past, the team used a warm up technique to prepare riders' legs for big challenges, with good results. If the racing plan goes well, we can avoid a huge drop until the next season.
  That's all the update so far, and good luck with your season goals so far.


Subscribers: 6

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