Online: 43
15:05 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


Written by team dustin at 19:25 30/8-2019

  My palmares is not longer empty,
  my first one today,
  not one I hoped for,
  with another I should be more happy,
  it is an achievement,
  my first one,
  I have give it an own name,
  an other name,
  it is my 'tag' achievement,
  I hoped this shall be a break through,
  that others shall follow (soon),
  but it is a start,
  a begin,
  what shall be next .........
  -possible interruption at least 24h
  -can be interrupted, to bid 15% more than the price agreed. A bid that is 30.000 higher always interrupts. A bid that is less than 5.000 higher never interrupts.
  - For trade deals, interruptions can be made for 20% more, and a bid of 50k above the original price always interrupts.
  - If a deal is interrupted, it comes a regular auction.
  - A selling team is not forced to sell to the highest interrupting bidder. However, after the seller has decided to not sell, he is not allowed to sell the rider for a lower amount than the highest interrupted bid for the next season (90 days from the original transfer deadline).
  any transfer thread posted on the forum should adhere to the following requirements:
   - Every individual deal should have a separate thread, except for trade deals.
   - Either a link to the rider page, or the full rider info, should be given. Just a name is not enough. In case of unmaxed talents, potentials should always be given. If a rider is younger than 28, always mention if a rider is maxed or not. Always mention if a rider is TT-centered or not, except if his TT is 99 or under 35.
   - Team Sales are an exception to the above two points (but only to those two). Potentials of unmaxed riders still have to be given as well. If more than 5 riders in the whole team are not for sale, the sale does not qualify as a team sale and individual threads have to be made of no more than 5 riders at the same time. (to be clear, this means that threads selling up to 5 riders are legal, but private deal threads should always be just 1 rider).
   - The rider name should always be mentioned separately from the link to his rider page as well, so that it is easy to find using the ‘Search’ function of the forum.
   - A clear deadline must be given, and it should be at least 2 days after the thread is posted for sales threads, or 24h for interruption threads. If only a day is specified, the deadline will close at the end of that day in GMT+1 automatically.
   - A bid should always stand for 24 hours before it wins the auction, a.k.a. the 24h rule.
   - Buyers should always get at least 5 days after the original deadline to gather the money. For deals above 400k, this should always be at least 10 days. This does not move along with the 24h rule. This does not mean that you have to wait 5 or 10 days after the deadline to sell the rider. Just that if the buying manager doesn't have the money yet, you have to give him 5 or 10 days to gather it
   - If a transfer thread does not meet these requirements and the deal is still completed, punishment will be a reversal and a 10k fine. Once again, a new deal, meeting all requirements, is always allowed.
   An example of a sales announcement with all required information (when posted on day 1):
   Rider: Niccolo Maffia
   Opening bid: 1.3m
   Minimum overbid of 5k
   Deadline: day 3, 20.00 GMT+1
   A bid has to stand for 24hrs to be the winning bid.
   Money needed on day 14 at the latest.
   Loan Deals
   All loan contructions will be illegal, unless;
   - They consist of two market value deals, which will take place under the same interruption rules as normal deals.
   Transfer Forum Rules
   Please only use this section of the forum for transfers.
   Anything non-transfer related belongs in other boards.
   Also, please only respond to topics where you are or might be interested in doing a transfer/deal. An exception to this rule would be to notify the selling manager that he has failed to adhere to the format presented in the new transfer rules.
  -that the transfer forum is only for transfers:
  Do not post in transfer topics with anything else
  -a bid,
  -a request for information,
  -a tag,
  -the presentation of information that is requested, or stating a deadline


Subscribers: 11


  average at the moment AV50 average age down to 35 it was a quiet good season, not special, no special things/results but take my points now and then, and ...


Uhhh, what do I see ... :(

  Uhhh, I have to change my strategie ... I see that I have 12 trainers for 1 rider!!! Jul 4 62 3 61 2 60 1 59 Feb 28 27 26 25 24 23 2...


... end of season 50

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  My palmares is not longer empty, my first one today, not one I hoped for, with another I should be more happy, it is an achievement, my first one, I have ...



  season 48 was a real good season for Aune. and now the start of season 49: today Aune get his first dividion 1 victory :) today it was his 50th result for ...


Jostein Aune

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it is happened

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1 year

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the third season

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My first Tour

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  trainer SP 94 - TQ 88 Dražen Basara is for sale, a really nice trainer (SP 94 - TQ 88) Dražen Basara starting bid: 50k minimum overbid: 3k deadline...


News from Team Dustin

  Day 16 - division 6 It was not expected, we did our best, but the result was a surprise. Borys Iwan finished 1 st in Niedersachsen - Vechta. Borys Iwan: "...


A new phase has begun for Team Dustin.

  A new phase has begun for Team Dustin. After the first season which was quite successfull, we are now busy in our second season. Since a short time I represe...



team futerko at 06:13 27/12-2019
  Nice Elk! Now they are coming!

DeRodeLantaarn at 21:51 3/10-2019
  Argentina power.:)

Rantanplan at 22:17 30/9-2019
  Nice to get a jersey before winter ! ;-)

team dustin at 10:12 30/9-2019
  thanks, really happy with it :)
  totally not expected before the race started
  i had hoped for some top 9's

team futerko at 10:07 30/9-2019
  congrats on your second palmares - nice jersey! :-)

Goege Team at 17:40 1/9-2019

DeRodeLantaarn at 15:37 31/8-2019
  They will come!

team futerko at 20:33 30/8-2019
  haha! I'm speechless... literally!
  may it be the first of many!

Other Team's Press Releases
S66 Review
  Greetings, OCM managers and visitors. The end of the season has come and here we are, 90 days later to enjoy a quick peek at our performance this Season (Route)...


Comments (1)

Second Season (S54)
First Season