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13:12 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    


Written by KigOp at 13:40 4/11-2018

  First timers in Zyte division! Huge thanks to everyone involved in the team.


Subscribers: 2

Top spot after 2 seasons

  First ever tour win for the team with our captain Cas Bleisvijk. Since we started the process of building the team around Cas two seasons ago we finally managed...



  First timers in Zyte division! Huge thanks to everyone involved in the team. Manager Venge...


Top Team

  Passed the 1000 point barrier first time in the team history! The past few weeks we´ve been riding on top of the wave and made top results in both tours and ...


Red Dear Tour

  Cas Bleisvijk takes fifth place overall and 1st in youth classification. Team manager is happy with the teamwork and result. ...



  Flemming Rhise claimed his first win ever from a big break away. It was a happy Rhise after the race. He deserves it after many seasons as an always loyal teamm...


New season new team focus

  The season is in its last week and has been up and down for the danish team throughout the last months. In general the "old boys" have pulled some great results...


Tour succes

  The team got what we came for in Odyssey Tour. We managed to pull of a 2nd place in the TT, 3rd in the mountains and 8th in the GC. We didn't focused on the GC...


Odyssey Tour

  The team has signed the strongest guys for the tour and our primary focus will be stage wins as we dont feel the tour suits a specific rider for the captain rol...


Seasons first tour

  Cas Bleiswijk is preparing to be tour captain for the first time. He´s still young but needs to get the feeling for the captain role as the team starts prepari...



Holwerda Cycling at 14:12 4/11-2018

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