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11:56 GMT         Day 42 of 90, Season 69    

Best season ever

Written by Drake Racing at 20:09 30/8-2016

  Season 37 has been the best season ever for Drake Racing. Mostly because of two BA wins and a few well timed super legs, but our team is also much stronger now, than it was at the start of the season.
  We started out on the border to top div with only one rider capable of scoring points, but that rider was Sebastiano Catalan. Voted "hiller of the year" 2 seasons in a row and ranked top 10. However, it became clear in the first third of the season that both our hill prospects, Arturo De la Vega and Elbert Zenden where gonna max high enough to be top div captains. So one had to go and I thought it was wise to sell the oldest one. Probably a good decision, but it was not smart to sell him to another top div team. Im gonna be annoyed when he beats me, but so far my two young hill captains have beaten him one time each. Most of the money from that sale was invested in Desiderio Ugarte (180k, our most expensive buy ever) We think that our hill team will be the best in S38, before we have to replace the two weakest helpers for S39.
  We have also invested a lot in trying to build a CB team. That has not been as succesful with Inosi Kalaou turning out as the best of four expensive talents. Still, he should manage to score a few points with the support he has. We think most of our money in S38 will go towards either a new talent, or just straight up buy a decent captain.
  Thx for reading.


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Drake Racing at 18:59 2/9-2016
  I think you are right. Zenden will get 6-8 chanses in Bergen and Im sure he will win it at least once.

Team Seidel at 23:48 31/8-2016
  He is allready a star now and a future superstar (with more exp.) That's a race he will win again in the future. I also think you soon can put that moose from Bergen rundtur in your Palmares.

Drake Racing at 23:23 30/8-2016
  But still, strong legs / off days made a bigger difference, I got a lot of points from super legs. ;-)
  What I enjoyed the most was Zendens win in
with normal legs.

Team Seidel at 22:33 30/8-2016
  Congratulations on a strong season. Wow, two BA wins! The best I ever got on a BA is a 9'th place some seasons ago. :-)

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