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11:26 GMT         Day 40 of 90, Season 69    

Otto's disappointment

Written by CCFC at 11:11 12/3-2016

  After a wonderful season, Otto's self confidence got a big blow today:
  "I was 100% sure I would at least get a nomination at the awards, but it looks like the comitee totally overlooked me and I am utterly disappointed. This was my first year racing and I thought maybe my season was good enough to become nominated for best breakthrough rider, but no... You can wonder what else I could have done with the resources at my disposal, and I keep thinking that I am not good enough since people think what I did last season wasn't good enough", Otto said to the Norwegian newspaper Stjørdalens Blad.
  Otto starts his season tonight, and manager Einar hopes that Otto can shake off his disappointment and show everybody that he's someone to watch out for in the coming season: "Otto is a great rider, but the team isn't good enough for him yet, but we're always trying to improve, and we hope that the team can help Otto do even better this season", manager Svartbekk said in the press conference before todays race in Morocco.


Subscribers: 35

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